Little Bird (SongFic with BackStory)

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Word Counter: 1770

Peter walked into the lobby of Stark Towers and sat down in one of the chairs, his counter blinking dangerously high, as he rolled up his jacket sleeves. (But fluffy hair tho)

Counter; a number from 1-25 that signifies how dangerous you are

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Counter; a number from 1-25 that signifies how dangerous you are.

Peter's was standing at a solid 17.8 as he glared at staring employees that walked past whispering, obviously glancing in his direction, but a certain AI just had to speak up. "Sir, an Avenger will be right with you as your counter over 15. Please stay where you are."

Peter's eyes rolled as his counter rose to 18.3, and people backed away and continued with their business very warily.

A few minutes, a certain Bucky Barnes stepped out of the elevator, and his highly agressive mood reflected his counter at a steady 12.9 but when he read Peter's counter, his eyes widened. He had never met someone with a counter over 15, not even Nat when she's pissed. He stormed over to edgy teen, grabbed him by the forearm and quickly ushered him to the elevator, waiting before tossing him into an interregation room like a piece of chopped liver.

Peter just scoffed and stared intimidatingly at where his spidey-sense told him people where through the one-way glass. He sat down in the chair and took the handcuffs, cuffing himself to the table and rattling them to show his proof before throwing his head back and waiting.

4 hours later, and he was still cuffed when a man walks in eyeing him suspiciously when a voice come over the intercom. "This is a petty criminal that's gonna try to get your counter to rise, please try to stay as calm as possible for our research."

The man asked questions about his life, and made jabs at his style but Peter's counter never rose above a solid 9 as his steel eyes were locked on the criminal's features, not even flinching when he moved, but simply moving with him.

The man walked out and another walked in, wearing army gear, the intercom come on again "This is General Thaddeus Ross, he's going to try the same as the last man."

Ross didn't even have to do anything as Peter's counter rose to 12.0 and he started chuckling manicially.

"Hey, what are you doing with SHIELD, huh Ross?" Peter's voice was sly and condescending.

"I don't know you."

Peter broke out of the cuffs and slammed his hands down on the table, his voice with some uncertainty laced inbetween his shouting. "BULLSHIT!"

The counter skyrocketed to 18 as Peter's breathing got heavier and Ross smirked "Well I found this book with a Peter Parker on it, and thought you might know some bits about it?" He pulled out a brown notebook that had a red hourglass with a white spider in the middle, resting comfortably in his right hand while a glass of whiskey sat in the left.

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