Is That A Hickey I see? (Peter x MJ)

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TW: Implied Smut

Word Counter: 1315 

It wasn't a secret that Peter and MJ loved each other. Peter loved the boss bitch that turned into a whimpering sub. MJ loved her anti-social nerd who switched into a merciless dom that teased her and fucked her senseless, but tonight Peter was a bit more rough. Leaving hickey after hickey not caring who saw, and let's just say MJ wasn't able to walk when she woke up the next morning.

Peter woke up before his girlfriend, and just sat there watching her sleep peacefully while his mark become more clear on her neck and jawline. He smirked to himself thinking about the blessing of soundproof walls and how they weren't able to get away with this one. He was snapped out of his thoughts by MJ shifting and looking up at him.

"Hi baby." Peter whispers while combing his fingers through her hair.

"Hi loser." MJ responds, getting her daytime personality back quickly. "I'm going for a shower. Alone."

"Ok, well I'm going to go make breakfast. Pancakes sound ok?"

"Pancakes sound perfect right about now Pete. No-one has to know about anything last night, not like they have any evidence that we didn't fall asleep watching a movie." She stands up but her legs immediately buckle under her, causing Peter to lean over to catch her.

"I think that's all the evidence they need." He picked her up and took her to the bathroom. He ran a bath and laid her back in it. "Pancakes are going to have to wait." He picked up the shampoo and rubbed it into her hair, giving her a head massage before doing the same thing with the conditioner and rinsing it out. He picked up a sponge and washed her gently while they sat in a comfortable silence smiling at each other.

Peter picked up a towel and wrapped MJ in it before taking her back out to his bedroom. He gathered a pair of spare jeans, and one of his hoodies. "Get changed and I'll be back up in 10 minutes with those pancakes and a cup of coffee. My dad wouldn't let me live this down if he saw you like this." He walked out of the bedroom shutting the door behind him.

Peter started making pancakes while the coffee was brewing, and took 3 off of the pile for MJ and 4 for him, leaving a tall stack in the middle of the breakfast bar. "FRIDAY tell everyone breakfast's waiting for them on the table please."

"Good morning Peter, I will do that straight away."

He walked up the stairs and walked into his bedroom with 2 cups of coffee and 2 plates of pancakes to see MJ still wrapped in a towel, waiting for him. "Baby I want help, and I'm hungryyy." MJ whined like a 5 year-old taking Peter by surprise but he quickly gathered himself.

"Let's get you dressed first and then we can eat hmm?" Peter sat down on the bed next to her and took the towel down, rubbing softly before he slipped her bra and lingerie on. "I think I prefer you without these on baby but needs must." He whispered while pulling the hoodie over her head. "Think you can put on the jeans yourself?" MJ nodded before standing up and pulling them up.

"Baby, have you looked in the mirror today?" Peter asks with his eyebrows raised.

"No why? Do I look bad? Do I need makeup or something?" She asked, becoming self-conscious.

"Never baby, but come with me I have something to show you." He pulled her back over to the bathroom where she stopped and stared at herself in the mirror.

Peter circled behind her and started kissing and sucking in different places. She moaned and shut her eyes. "Nuh-uh baby, you're going to watch me make you mine. You're going to watch yourself whimper and moan for me." Peter said in a husky voice, and MJ opened her eyes and nodded, trying not to moan again.

After a few minutes, Peter was satisfied with the red marks on her skin, and the darker purple marks from earlier. He pulled her out of the bathroom and sat her down on the bed, handing her the pancakes and coffee from earlier.

After they finished them, MJ stood up and gathered the dirty plates and cups in a pile before standing up and walking over to the door with a slight limp. Peter just smirks and stands up, taking the plates from her while she puts on her shoes.

"No-one should be awake yet, right? I mean it's a Sunday?" MJ asks putting a pair of sunglasses on and pulling the drawstrings of the hoodie.

"They are all eating breakfast in the kitchen but just walk out, I'll make up an excuse." Peter replies, smirks still plastered on his face. "I'll see you tomorrow at school. Hopefully you get that limp sorted out huh?" He opens the door and gestures for MJ to go first, which she does. They walked down the stairs before walking into the kitchen. Peter stops to put the plates down while MJ keeps walking.

"See you tomorrow loser" She says, head down while the hood was still pulled tight.

"Bye MJ" Peter says while turning to wash his plates.

The rest of the avengers look at each other while grins before Clint speaks up. "MJ? Are you ok, you're wearing sunglasses. Why are you going home so fast?" She stops in her tracks groaning.

"She has a head-ache so quit pestering her Clint." Peter sighs and puts the plates in the cupboard.

"Well in that case, FRIDAY. What's wrong with MJ? We can't have her being sick." Tony says, trying to keep a straight face.

"Miss Jones has obtained 37 small bruises around her neck in the past 18 hours, and seems to be limping." FRIDAY speaks up, fully aware of what that means. Bruce nearly spits out his coffee, and Steve actually does.

"So I've noticed. Peter Stark you little shit. You're 16." Tony swivels round in his chair to face Peter who's got his head buried in his hands. Everyone sits in silence staring at him with cheeky grins on their face, except from Steve and Bruce who look mildly disturbed.

Natasha has snuck up behind MJ, who was still frozen, and pulls down the hood before pushing her next to her boyfriend and taking her place back at the table.

"So Pete, how was your first time?" Wanda teases

"I don't know, you know spiders can't remember past 2 years." Peter whispers into his hands while rubbing his face, but Steve and Bucky's enhanced hearing picks up on it quite well.
Bucky starts snickering while Steve starts choking on his pancakes, earning a firm pat on the back from Thor, which didn't help.

"Wait what did he say? We didn't hear him." Tony pesters

"OH KAY, that's enough talk of this, I think MJ wants to go home now, bye everyone." Peter says and goes to walk off but Pepper glares at them, and they stop again.

"Bruce how long is Peter's memory span?" Bucky says while still trying to contain his laughter.

"About 1 and 1/2 years but why does that mat-- ohhhhh, you know what I don't need that answering. I'm gonna go to the lab." Bruce gets up and leaves, still looking confused and disturbed.

"Peter Benjamin Stark." Peter flinched at the use of his full name from his dad. "Don't tell me... shit, kid. This has took a turn."

"Well at least he can says he's experienced at something on his resume for Harvard." Sam says, cracking a small but mischevious smile.

"Shitsticks. How do I explain this?"

"Don't fucking ask me. It's your house and family."

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