Peter Romanoff: Experienced

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Peter Romanoff was pushed to be the best, and that worked out quite well.

One day, Peter was with the Avengers visiting Wakanda. When they walked out of the jet, they were greeted with the King and Princess. They shook hands, and Peter lowered his nano-tech mask like requested. They were surprised to see a young boy, with a bright smile and floopy curls dangling over his forehead. Steve muttered something to Bucky in German and Peter's super-hearing picked up on it quite well from the front while Natasha was next to the super-soldiers. The boy had a coughing fit as his face turned bright red and Natasha burst out laughing, and everyone looked quite confused.
"Please keep in PG-13 in the back Steve, I don't need to hear or imagine your dirty thoughts for Bucky." Peter said out-of-breath.
"Yeah Steve, keep your sex life out of earshot of my son!" Natasha said exasperatedly with a glare, her demeanour changing completely like fllipping a switch.
Steve's face grew bright red and Bucky rolled his eyes as everyone else's widened. "I told you the kid knows German Steve."

They were in the lab and T'Challa walked down, summoning Shuri over. They started talking
*Bold is Xhosa*
"Sister, you can't tell anyone, not even the Spider-Boy in the background, but-"
"Before you say something you regret, you might want me to leave the room. I'm fluent in 29 languages including Xhosa. I'll be out of earshot if you need me."
He walked out of the room, leaving T'Challa baffled and Shuri proud of her new best friend.


They had taken in a criminal for questioning, some leader of this notorious drug line. He was refusing to speak in English to anyone who went into the room, so Peter (much to everyone's disagreements) went in.
*Bold is Swedish*
"Hi, I'm here to ask you some questions."
"Why would I answer to a kid like you? You would snap like a twig."
Peter's eyebrows raised as he continued, happy to know that the man understood English.
"Do you smuggle drugs for people?" Peter was blunt about it.
"Yes I do, technically getting your AI to translate this, I'm talking about my favourite food at the moment, but yes. My name is Claud Mitchell, I'm from Sweden and enjoy meatballs."
"Thank you for your co-operation, you will be put in a holding cell. Have a nice prison sentence." Peter gathered his files and walked out, leaving a proud mum, shocked Avengers and a stunned Claud with a gaping mouth.


Peter was taking a walk with the Avengers and turned a corner to a young boy while an older woman was shouting at him in a foreign language.
*bold is Thai*
"You brat, I shouldn't of saved you from your parents. No wonder they beat you."
Peter jogged up to the woman and stopped the hand about to connect with the child's face, pulling her wrists behind her back. "You have the right to remain silent. You're going to prison."
He pulled a pair of handcuffs out of nowhere and cuffed her, beckoning his mum over, who took the woman roughly by the arm and dragged her to the police station down the street, while he took care of the boy.
"Hey buddy, can you understand me?" The boy nodded his head. "Do you know English?" Another nod and a whisper "I prefer Thai but I can speak some English."
Peter smiled "Then I'll speak in whatever language you want me to. How old are you?" His voice was soft as he was crouched infront of the trembling soul. The young'en held up 5 shaking fingers, and tears slipt down his face as he to launched into Peter, burying his head in the teen's neck. Peter just wrapped his skinny arms around the boy and picked him up, setting him on his hip. "I have a nice couple who would like to adopt you, they are my friends. Is that okay?"
The young boy pulled back and shook his head violently "You're my best friend now, I don't want to leave you." The boy had reverted back to Thai in a matter of panic. "Then I'll protect you, you don't have to go anywhere. What's your name?"
"My name's Benistaf, but I like Ben."
"Ok Ben, let's go home."


After a few weeks, Peter introduced Ben to May and Happy, and they hit it off instantly, Peter and Tony brought Ben round with his stuff to move him in after all the legal stuff was settled
*bold is Italian*

"Hey Pete, how have you been?" Happy asked while May took Ben's bag to his new room.
"Hey Hap, I've been good but Liz broke up with me so I've been feeling crap, and the nightmares are coming back." Peter replied, running a hand down his face. May come in hearing from down the hall an quickly gave her nephew a hug.
"I'm so sorry Pete, you seemed happy with her." Her voice was muffled in Peter's shoulder as the boy was officially taller than his aunt now.
"It's ok, I've accepted it but it sucks."
Happy gave him a small yet affectionate pat on the back. "Things will always get better, what about that MJ girl you used to have a crush on? You know, the one that has 'such perfect wavy hair' and 'eyes that sparkle when she smiles'?"
Peter looked at him quickly as his cheeks grew more red. "Who told you about MJ?"
Tony thought this would be a good time to make himself re-known. "More importantly, who is MJ?" His amusement showing on his face.
Peter spun around quickly with wide eyes. "Since when do you know Italian Mr. Stark?"
"I am Italian kid. Also how many flippin' languages do you speak?" Tony squinted his eyes and raised one eyebrow, expecting an answer right there, right now.
"I'll tell you with the rest of the team back at the tower, I'm not explaining myself more than once. It was nice seeing you pair, I'll be back next weekend." Peter sent a wave before turning around and walking out the door, leaving Tony trailing behind.


The Avengers were sat around the living room, either on the sofas or beanbags.
"Pete, you said you were going to explain. Now spill." Tony half-ordered.
"Just the languages bit or my whole skill-set while we're at it, for no more surprises?" Peter asked quite amused with the whole situation.
"Whole skill-set!" Wanda jumped in excitedly, which made the Romanoff pair chuckle.

"Ok. I speak 29 languages, not including ASL and Morse Code. I'm the equivalent as a level-8 SHIELD agent, same as my mum. I know 9 different genres of dance and also know how to work my way around a stripper's pole. I've modeled in 52 countries, including Puerto Rico and Tokyo."

"Wait..... why the stripper's pole?!?!"

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