Was I a lab experiment?

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The rogue avengers walked out of the elevator, to Tony's lab, where they were met with syringes everywhere, all different shades of red and purple. In the middle, Tony was standing over a teenager, who was strapped to a hospital bed by his wrists, ankles and waist. Steve stormed over there and roughly pulled Tony away, making the man stumble backwards a bit. The rogues started to belittle Tony and talk shit about it, not noticing the man's deteriorating stance or fragile emotions.

No-one noticed the boy strapped to the bed start to wake up, or the furious expression he had on his face. Steve pushed Tony back by his shoulders, and the billionaire fell backwards into a table.

"FRIDAY, unlock my cuffs." Was whispered, but Bucky heard it, finally seeing the boy get unleashed and get up from the bed.

Steve went to slap Tony but got tackled away into the wall, being pinned against the concrete by the boy, before being released again, slumping down the wall, clutching his head.

The boy went back over to Tony and helped him stabilize his breathing before turning around and facing the rogues, who were all stood there with their weapons raised.

"The hell did you just start shouting for?" He demanded

"Son, step away from Stark, whatever he did to you, we can fix." Sam offered a hand out, but Peter slapped it away.

"He didn't do anything to me what the hell are you talking about?"

"You were literally strapped to a table with Stark injecting you with chemicals, stop lying, he's obviously trying to make a weapon." Natasha spoke with no hesitation

"Don't ever call me a weapon. And he wasn't injecting me with stuff, he was taking my blood for sampling."

"He's just trying to make the super-soldier serum so that he can be better, we all know that he envies Steve" Clint sneered, looking disgusted at Tony

"He doesn't envy Steve, he hates him. He was constantly told that Howard would rather have a son like Captain America, and if he ever took Tony to meet him, he'd probably get some sense beaten into him by someone who always does the right thing, and wasn't a dissapointment. Why the hell would he envy that?" Peter questions bitterly, his fangs bending over his bottom lip slightly. "He was taking my blood because ever since my 16th birthday 3 weeks ago, I've had a horrible pair of fangs that won't leave, and he's checking for any more mutations in my bloodstream. 3 years ago, I was bitten by a genetically enhanced spider, became Spider-Man and have helped defend this city ever since. He has my full consent written in writing for these experiments, all of which are legal, so don't go making assumptions, fucking idiots."

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