Why is Bucky scared of Peter?

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Word counter: 1296

TW: Implied torture

Peter was loved by everyone in the tower, his doe eyes and curly hair. Everyone except Bucky. When Peter was around, Bucky would tense up and avoid eye contact, it didn't go unnoticed by the team. So one evening they decided to confront him about it.

"Are you okay Bucky, you seem on edge?" Steve was sitting next to him trying to speak to him.

"I'm fine. Everything's fine." Bucky replied before looking at Peter, who was staring at him. There eyes locked for a split second before Bucky looked away and whimpered.

"Jamie. What's wrong?" Peter asked softly, everyone taken back by the sudden approach, everyone knew he didn't like his name being used, let alone a nickname.

"I'm fine. I promise I'm okay." Bucky said while still staring at the ground.

"Jamie." Peter stood up and took a deep breath. "Come with me."

Bucky stood up quickly and followed Peter to another room, still looking at the ground. Everyone sat in silence trying to hear what was being said. Nothing worked until they heard a scream and a maniac laugh, where Peter was egging Bucky along.


They heard a whimper and Bucky's muffled voice.


Silence follows before Peter walks out in hand with James, who is following slightly behind. The team is taken back by Peter's smile when he sits down, but the older man is still quiet.

"So, I believe we were going to play Never have I Ever?" Peter says while still smiling, fully aware that the team heard his previous conversation. He looks over to Bucky who is nursing his hand. "Are you ok, Jamie?"

"I'm fine, thanks лидер культа." Peter raises an eyebrow to this sudden confrontation and Bucky snaps his head up, eyes wide. "Shitsticks. No fuc-, no no no no." He and Peter stare at each other for a few seconds, Bucky looking scared while Peter looks amused and soft, but intimidating. Bucky jumps over the sofa and runs to the elevator, spamming the close door button.

"Please don't ask. It's not something I'm proud of but It's something I do never the less." Peter adresses the rest of the group with a bright smile. "Please could we start the game now?" Natasha is blinking at him, trying to decipher what the Russian meant.

The next day, Peter is called to the living room, he's met with his family all suited up. Bucky realises he has walked in and goes to hide behind Steve. Tony looks at Bucky before turning back to Peter.

"Hi Pete, I was just going to tell you we're going on a mission to a HYDRA base so you're going to be here with Bucky for a few days so try-"

"I wanna come with you." Peter says bluntly. Everyone looks at him with different expressions.

"No Pete, it's too dangerous." Tony argues.


"No" The answer was much firmer, and so was the response.

"I'm coming with, that's final." Peter shoots back with no emotion. Bucky lets out a small yelp at the sudden change of voice and buries his head into Steve's back.

"Are you okay Bucky? Why have you been like this since Peter got here? He's like the most innocent person on the planet." Bruce says softly, but everyone can still hear.

Bucky shivers before saying something. "Не называй его так. Он мог убить тебя раньше, чем ты моргнешь. DON'T CALL HIM THAT. HE COULD KILL YOU BEFORE YOU BLINK." Natasha snickers at this, knowing the translation. "Don't laugh Natasha I'm being serious. You have no idea the power he holds. Don't you remember him? It's тот самый (The one)"

Peter sighs loudly to this and just says. "Are you coming on this mission with us or not Jamie?"

"Do I have a choice?" Bucky shoots back before realising his mistake. "No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to speak like that it's just-"

"James. You always have a choice. It's fine if you don't want to." Peter cuts him off.

"Sure, I might as well face my fears."

A few hours later everyone is climbing off of the jet. Peter however, is wearing a tank top and cargo pants with knife and gun holsters on each side but no-one questioned it, Natasha shooting them death glares if they tried.
Everyone took up defensive stances and started fighting, Peter's enhanced hearing could pick up someone saying "If the boss found out about this he would have my head" in a heavy russian accent.
Peter looked around to see everyone being overpowered by swarms of agents, beating his team to a pulp.
Peter walked through the crowds of HYDRA, ripping his shirt so that everyone could see his branding. The agents parted like the Red Sea when they saw this.
"Отведи меня к человеку, ведущему эту атаку. TELL ME THE NAME OF THE PERSON LEADING THIS ATTACK." He commanded, leaving his team to fend for themselves for a few minutes. "JAMES GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW."
His scream tore through the crowd, making everyone look at him. James stood up and walked right over to him. "Yes sir, what do you require?" He answered sheepishly, his hands behind his back and head held high, but with fear, not confidence. "I need you to go give Whitehall a beating. Be back within 10 minutes. We have a lot of explaining to do."

Everyone was shocked by this. Although Bucky wasn't the winter soldier, he still took orders with no hesitation from the young boy.


"Yes лидер культа." They all said. "HAIL HYDRA!"

A guy come up to Peter, making everyone else step back. "Who do you think you are trying to make yourself look better than us? You're no more than a kid." He snarls.

"I think I'm going to be the person to torture you until you beg for mercy you pathetic rat." The avengers looked at each other, this wasn't Peter Parker, the shy boy who wouldn't hurt a fly. This was someone else. "Have you saw the branding on my chest? Do you realise who I am to you? I am your leader you idiot. And you just made a mistake."

Natasha looked up and realised who Peter truly was. Bucky had snuck into her room every night and told her tales of the 'cult leader.' He had a giant HYDRA branding on his chest, and was feared throughout the world, but when Peter had been introduced to them, Bucky stopped his midnight visits, saying he was busy.
"The cult leader." Her voice echoed throughout the silence.
"Yes Natalia, I am fully aware of the secret talks you have been having with Jamie. I'll deal with you guys later." Peter said, giving her a side eye.

"Now for you. Room 170 in exactly 24 hours. Be there to accept a fate worse than death OR wait for me to find you and make you watch as I hack off your fingers and toes with a butter knife." On cue, Bucky walked out of the doors behind him.

"All done Sir, and here's the butter knife you asked for, in the same place it was last time." Bucky says, while holding out a small metal knife.

"Thank you. And my name is Peter you might as well use it, we've been avoiding each other long enough. Now let's get back on the quinjet. I have a feeling we have some explaining to do to your friends."

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