Interns Sure Know How To Party

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Tony was just working on upgrading his repulsors with some high-level interns when he heard a faint noise coming from below him. He looked around at saw the interns trying not to laugh as the music turned up.

"Guys, do you know anything about the noise coming from downstairs?" Tony inquired while washing his hands.

"Sir, I believe we all have somewhere to be as it is 8 o'clock. There is a mandatory meeting we have to go to, we know nothing of the noise." Someone speaks up while they all walk to the elevator, trying to hold in their snickers.

Tony decides to check it out and goes down after the interns had went. He steps out of the elevator and is met with disco lights and party music. He walks through the streamers at the enterance and is met with red lights flashing as the music stops.

"HE'S HERE EVERYBODY. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Tony looks up to see Clint shouting while standing on a table. Everyone turns to look at him, scared they would get fired.

"FRIDAY what is happening?" Tony asks very confused with the sight infront of him.

"I'm sorry to tell you, per the 'Clint and Pete's Saturday Night Take-away' protocol, I'm not allowed to tell you, as you don't have a high enough clearance level." FRIDAY chimes out of the ceiling. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave this floor until the morning." Snickers erupt from the back of the crowd, but the people near the front stay silent in fear of reprucussions.

"BUT I OWN THE BUILDING HOW DO I NOT HAVE A HIGH ENOUGH CLEARANCE LEVEL?" Tony screams, half annoyed but half amused. He wasn't expecting FRIDAY to scream back. "PETER HACKED ME! GET OVER IT!"

Tony covered his ears at the AI's loud response but could hear a cackle coming from the back. Tony walked over and the interns parted like the Red Sea to find Rhodey, Peter, Clint, Sam and Natasha on the floor laughing. Sam stands up and mimicks Tony. "I oWn ThE BuiLDiNg!"
Rhodey joins in "I diDn'T geT An InviTatIOn, Oh NooOo!"
Natasha continues "DiD yOU knOw aBOut thiS?"
Clint finds his fake Tony accent "How dARe yOU!"
Peter opens him arms from the floor and simply says. "Too bad old man"
The team screams and wolf-whistles when the elevator opens to Happy standing with a large trolley filled to the top with pizzas.
Tony turns around to see Happy rocking a pastel pink shirt with Mario Kart trousers, and a pair of unicorn slippers to top it off, and a playful glare.
"I can't believe I lost that game of Rummikub to Clint. I also can't believe you made me pick up the pizza like this, I'm gonna be on so many magazines tomorrow." He cracks a grin and pushes the trolley out of the elevator, and everyone swarms it, taking a pizza each. Peter screams "FRIDAY CRANK UP THE TUNES"

It turned out to be a very good Saturday night. Infact, it was the best sober Saturday night Tony had in a long time.

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