Rogue Avengers Unleash The Hydra Spider

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Word Count- 2063
TW: Swearing
         Implied Torture
         Panic Attacks

Peter Parker, aged 16 got suspended for punching another student. Flash, aged 17, Got away with breaking 2 ribs and a nose, unscathed.
Favouritism is a bitch in high school.
There was a slight spring in Peter's step, knowing it was a Wednesday and he was allowed to go on patrol today, after being grounded for sneaking out.
The elevator dinged as Peter walked out, headphones across his head, listening to heavy metal, the perfect music for calming nerves about confronting his mentor about the suspension.
The rogue avengers were arguing with Tony, not even realising that the young boy was there. Peter grabbed a granola bar before walking into the living room and stopping in the doorway at the sight.

Peter, who frequently had sensory overloads, had mastered lip reading, but he didn't tell anyone. It was quite handy for spying on people.
"Stark you are a drunk. You don't know anything!" Steve shouted, and although he had just calmed down and walked in the building, Peter saw red. Crimson red. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tony hyper-ventilating, while the grown men and women infront of him, continued to screech. He ran over and pulled off his headphones, grabbing his mentor's hand and putting it on his chest, ignoring the beady eyes burning into the back of his head.
"Mr Stark, match your breathing to mine, okay? You aren't back there, you aren't a drunkard. I promise you are the best father figure I could've ever asked for."
After a few minutes, Tony calmed down and collapsed into his NOT son's arms, not wanting to ever let go.

"Let go Tony, and go get sleep. FRIDAY, when he gets to his room, close the blinds and soundproof the room, he doesnt want to hear what i have to say."
"Of course Mini-Stark" FRIDAY responded, with a tone of sympathy for her bosses.
Tony wandered off to his room, and when FRIDAY told Peter he was sound asleep, the young boy's attitude changed completely, still with the red clouding his better judgement.
"Stop staring." He snapped, and turned to face them, getting up from his knees.
"Kid, i suggest you find your parents, explain that your boss is a drunk who can't take care of you, and hope they accept you, otherwise go to an orphanage, anywhere is better than here." Clint says snarkily, making a remark about Tony.

"FRIDAY?" His words sounded pained.
"Yes Mini-Stark?"
"Activate The Protocol I Wish I Never Have To Use" His teeth were gritted, he was starting to lose control
"Protocol activated, alerting Miss Potts-Stark, King T'Challa and Vision The Android"
FRIDAY chimed in, almost like she knew what was going to happen, happy that the people  who disrespected Tony and Peter were going to get what they deserved, Friday was like the over-protective aunt, but could never actually do anything about it. The rogues looked confused when Black Panther and Vision came running in trying to calm the boy down.

"We heard the protocol being activated from upstairs, what happened? Peter control yourself, you haven't had an episode in 4 months." Vision tried to reason with the furious boy, who was breathing heavily, but to no avail Black Panther held Peter back from trying to attack the rogues, who has all took up a defensive fighting stance.

"How dare you-" Peter started

"Kid leave it, you don't know the first  thing about this so stay out of our business." Steve snapped, slightly surprising his teammates.

"Oh really? I don't know the first thing about it. Let me tell you this. YOU don't know the first thing about the constant panic attacks I've calmed Mr Stark down from. YOU don't know the first thing about FRIDAY waking me up in the middle of the night, because he has nightmares. YOU don't know about the amount of times he has picked up a knife and held out his wrists, and the only reason he didn't follow through was for me, because I love him like he's my father. I'll tell you one thing you know about though, would you like to hear it?"

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