Zoom Classes

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Peter was at Stark Towers quarantining as his Aunt May was a nurse, and unfortunately, online classes did become a thing, so here Peter was, sitting at his desk at 9am, waiting for the teacher to show up.

Mr Harrington has joined the zoom

"Alright class, please just take this period to chat to each other and talk, because I'm aware how it can be stuck inside sometimes."

20 minutes later, a message comes over the system interrupting Cindy's story about her little brother.

"Attention floors 60 to 95, this is your fearless leader Tony Stark speaking."

The whispers started as Peter just sighed, already knowing what was going to happen to the class by the end of the lesson.

"If the fire alarm goes off in the next 5 minutes, please do not be alarmed, I for once did not mess anything up. You can blame my personal intern, Peter Parker, for leaving his Starbucks next to my Mark 70 Iron-Man suit, causing a spill and the wires to combust on a smaller nuclear level. So to Peter, next time please bring your latte upstairs with you to refrain from any further accidents. And to everyone else, remember that we blame Peter for all of our problems even if he didn't know about them, because Miss Pepper Potts will not harm Peter, but she definitely will harm me if I tell her it really was my latte because Peter doesn't drink coffee. Have a terrible day Peter, and have an atrocious day to my employees and interns who have to deal with Peter's contant mistakes."

Peter looked down right scandalized while people sat there in shock before Flash spoke up. "No way that's real Puny, you probably just paid a voice actor." but he was quickly muted by Mr. Harrington, so there was a shocked silence for a few minutes, until the sprinkler system turned on causing Peter to run to a switch on the wall and flick it, disabling the water feature, which finally got everyone out of their shock.

"Mr. Parker, do you actually know Sir Tony Stark?"

Peter sighed "Yes I do, and he's a pain sometimes."

"Please don't disrespect your boss like that, there could be serious consequences."

"FRIDAY, tell the Big Bad Boss to get his ass down here before I blast him into next week."

The AI tuned up out of the ceiling "He was already on the way, Mr. Parker. Please be aware that Dr. Stark is in an scared mood as Ms. Potts found out about the latte and he is trying to escape from her. He may come bursting through your door. It may be wise to open your door in the next 15-"

A human-sized hole crashed through Peter's door, and a tired Tony Stark clambered through, sweeping himsef off before grabbing Peter by the shoulders and holding him at arm's length as some sort of meat-shield. A few seconds later, the door handle turned and in stepped a frustrated Pepper Potts.



"Get back to your lab and clean up the explosion."

"But I'm in here, spending quality time with Peter."

"Peter's busy"

"Fine. Peter tell her we're having quality time."

Peter scoffed "Currenly, my class is watching a billionaire and a scruffy old man" Tony let out a sound of offence, while Pepper looked proud "Fight over a small lab explosion because my boss doesn't know how to clean up after him self."

Tony let out another noise "I know how to clean up after myself."

"Tony." Peter dead-panned "Tell that to the 7 loads of laundry I took out of the lab yesterday, with the over-filled counter of mugs, bowls and plates."

Tony sighed in defeat before letting go of Peter's shoulders. "See you later Peter."

Peter rubbed his clenched fists over his face "Boo-hoo Mr. Stark."

He then put on the biggest shit-eating grin and waved innocently "Goodbye, have fun cleaning the lab Mr Tony Stark Sir Owner of Stark Industries Sir. Bye Pep."

Tony's eyes flew open "I get the long formalities and she gets Pep."

"She has a name Mr. Stark. Also, you're paying for my door." Peter reprimanded before ushering him out the door with a final push and turning back to his class, slumping down in his seat.

"Ok, let's continue before something like that happens again, shall we?"


Peter was sitting in Spanish when his temporary door burst open and in walked Steve, in his Captain America uniform "Hello Peter. How's Spanish?"

The class burst into whispers and Cap smirked. "Who are your classmates?"

Peter burst out laughing "If you think Steve smirks like that you are sadly mistaken my friend."

The illusion shut down and Loki stood there in all his glory, looking slightly defeated. "Why can't I catch you out, you also seem to know it's me."

"Because, uncle-dearest, I'm simply the best."

The class fell silent voluntarily seeing Peter insult a God straight to his face, let alone one who had already tried to take over Earth.

"Well, nephew-dearest, I can't argue with that, as I am simply 2nd best."

Peter and Loki both chuckled before hugging each other, and Peter turned back to the class.

"Uncle Loki, welcome to my 3rd period Spanish class. Spanish pupils and teacher, this is my Uncle Loki, God of Mischief."

Loki takes an extravagant bow before lifting his head with a smirk. "Now you can all say a God has bowed down to you huh?" He turned to address Peter "I have to go Peter, I'll see you after you finish your classes." He walked out the door like a diva, and with a flick of his wrist, the door shut and Peter was left sitting there waiting for someone to say something, but everyone was rendered speechless.


was actually a normal day for once...

if you don't count the;

The Intercom Message

"Peter, lunch is ready. Cap made lasagna."

The Service Man

"I've been told that I have to fix the hole in your door, but I can come back later if it's a disconvenience."

"...Just hurry up Mr. Stark, I don't know why we're on Zoom for a PE class anyways.."

And The Water Balloons


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