Protective Boyfriend (Peter x Natasha)

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Peter and Nat have been dating for a year and 8 months. Engaged for 6 months, and the team have started to notice small things about this, so they sit down to discuss it. However they don't know one very important thing.

"Like how Peter always makes Nat sit down while he takes her plate to the dishwasher"
"And how if anyone pranks her Peter gets really defensive"
"I punched Nat on the arm once as a joke and Peter came out of nowhere and took my hand off of her."
"Peter never lets Natasha train anymore."
"They always sneak off on Saturdays and Wednesdays."
"Could they be dating?"

The team chose to agree to the fact that they were dating and chose to confront them about it the next morning. Peter and Nat come into the kitchen together but stopped talking when they saw everyone staring at them.
"Why are you staring at us?" Nat asked, taking everyone back by her sudden bluntness.
"No reason, just that you've been waking up later and later and then walking into the kitchen with Peter, is everything ok between you two?" Steve asks making Peter's head snap to Nat before looking at the group again amd speaking up. "We're both fine, leave it at that. Nat sit down and I'll make you some breakfast."
"Are you two dating?" Clint bursts out, not being able to contain it any longer.
"Only took you a year and a half BirdBrain." Nat scoffs while sitting down at the breakfast bar.
"Woah wait" Tony's head jerks up so fast he could've got whiplash. "A year and a half. Peter is that why you've been so protective of her."
Peter just nods and turns around with 2 pieces of guac on toast to put infront of Natasha, but Tony continues. "And you've been dating every Saturday and Wednesday, that's where you've been going. That's so cute."
The team notices Peter's face flush but no-one paid any attention as he just nods again. "We're going on holiday for a weekend to get away from fighting, we leave in 45 minutes."
Everyone just nods thinking they want some alone time for a bit, and no-one blames them. Privacy just isn't a thing in the tower.

A weekend turns into a week. A week turns into a month, a month turns into a year. A year turns into 9 years, 7 months and 11 days, before Peter and Natasha turn up again. They walk into the tower and through security, and ask FRIDAY to take them up to the penthouse. No-one was expecting a visitor so the couple are greeted with suited-up avengers in defensive positions. "Hi guys"

They are swarmed with questions but a piercing whistle shuts them all up. Everyone looks confused but Peter and Nat are smirking at each other.
"Who did that? Because it wasn't any of us and it wasn't you two." Bruce says, just as a young girl in a matching top and jeans to her mum walks out from behind the couple with a Natasha-Worthy glare. "Be quiet or I slit your throats."
Everyone just stares at her as Peter sighs. "Dahllia, hand over your weapons, now." The firmness in his voice took everyone by surprise, for the third time in 10 minutes. They watch as the girl hands over a pen-knife and 2 daggers.
"And the rest Dahlia." Nat persists. She pulls out a pair of nun-chucks and a pistol. "Happy now, I'm completely un-armed and defenceless." Dahlia puts her hands up in exaggeration before going to snuggle into her dad's side.
"Everyone, meet our daughter Dahlia Anthony Parker-Romanoff, and the wonderful baby boy my wife is carrying, Bejamin Cassie Parker-Romanoff. We are married and have been for 8 years. The day after we moved out, Nat went into labour and we raised our daughter away from the danger we were subjected to, but she has made the decision that she wants to be known so we respect that and would like you to set up a press conference Tony."

The next day, the squad was all the news was talking about.


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