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Peter's POV
The past couple of weeks, Bucky has been making impressions of a Britishman, very poorly might I add. He's been impersonating me, Peter Benjamin Parker. I moved to America last year and have settled in with my fake Queens accent quite nicely.
I walked out of my bedroom today, very tired. I haven't been sleeping properly because of my insomnia. Sometimes I wonder what my family would do if I showed them my heritage. I've decided, today is that day.

3rd Person POV
Peter sat down at the breakfast bar with everyone else and Nat asked "Would you like any coffee Peter?" He snapped his head up to look at Bucky, who was looking straight back at him smirking, Peter replied, his accent stronger than it ever has been. "I drink Tea, Darling." Everyone looked at him, and Bruce even spit out his own coffee.
"Where did you learn that accent Pete?" Tony asks, glancing up from his newspaper.
"SHIELD, it was very useful for undercover missions." Peter switched back to his Queens accent, deciding to mess with them. But if Peter was going to mess with them, he was going to do it in S.T.Y.L.E. "I'm going to SHIELD today to check in with Fury, would anyone like to join me? Look into my double-life?"
Everyone just nods.
"Great. Meet me in the quinjet in an hour. Be there or be square."

----  At SHIELD Headquarters

Peter walks off of the quinjet and waits for everyone to get past security. Then he walks up to the door and waits. A voice rings out from the speaker "Please state your name and your security phrase."
"Peter Benjie Parker. Snitches are bitches, that end up in ditches with busted stitches." His smooth British accent comes back.
"Welcome Mr. Parker. Is there anything I can do for you today?"
"Let in the divs behind me. The 5 of them are with me. And ask Nick Furby to be in my office in 10 please. We have business to discuss."
"Very well Mr. Parker"
Peter walked through the door, holding it for everyone else as they strolled in behind him. Clint spoke up "So, you have a nice British persona in this place, how do you keep up with the smooth accent?" Peter just chuckled before walking past him and saying "There's a lot of things you don't know about me that you're about  to find out."
They stopped infront of a mahogany door with another voice authorization code. Peter simply said " You're just full of beans today aren't ya love?" with a chuckle at the end. The keypad flashed green before he put a 6 digit-code in and walking through the door. Once everyone was inside, the door swung shut and you could hear a faint clicking sound, meaning it was locked again. Everyone looked around and was shocked by the atmosphere of the place.

There was a large whiteboard, completely filling up one of the walls, with a wooden rolling ladder. The blinds lifted up to reveal a long, floor-to-ceiling window, showing the most beautiful view of the city below. There were beige filing cabinets filled with blueprints and formulas, and metal shelves full of gadgets and other smaller inventions, the larger ones were stored in the basement that were easily transportedby a service elevator off to the side. Pristine wooden tables ranging in size filled the majority of the room and were cluttered with anything and everything. In one corner of the room, there was a kettle on a table, set with mugs,with bean bags and plush egg chairs for breaks. Next to that, there was a red loveseat and couch duo, with crocheted blankets draping over the arms.
The team marveled in the glory of this space and went their seperate ways looking at things. Peter said to Tony, who was currently staring at the kettle like it had 3 heads "Pop the kettle on I'll be there in a sec." His accent now fully loose. Everyone turned and stared at him except from Bucky, who shook his head fondly. "What? You're all looking at me like I'm a few sandwiches short of a picnic." Peter feigned confusion, although you could see the smirk in his eyes, but Bucky spoke up. "He means flip the switch on the side and it'll light up, then the water will start boiling. British people do things differently." Tony flips a switch on the base of the kettle and it turns a blue colour, before it starts rumbling as it boils.
Peter chuckled before saying to the ceiling "Karen, where's Nick Furby?"

"Nick Furby has went to get coffee from the break room for everyone, as he says 'You British people don't know what a true fucking coffee is and I'm sure no-one wants your watery tea shit." Peter sighs, before looking up again. "Tell him if he insults my tea one more time, I'm changing his nickname back to 'Bell End'." The team just stared at him like he had 3 heads before going back to looking at whatever they were looking at before. The kettle stops boiling and Peter walks over. "If you guys want coffee, you'll have to wait a few minutes for Nicky to get here with it."
He puts a tea-bag and a tea-spoon of sugar in the mug before pouring in the water and leaving it to brew for a minute. Then he takes out the tea-bag, making sure to squeeze it against the side to get all of flavour out before chucking it in the bin. He poured in the milk and mixed it, leaving the spoon on the table. Just as he finished, Karen spoke up. "Nick Furby is requesting access to  your lab, should I let him in?"
"Let him in K"
The door opened to the eye-patch dude himself standing with 6 cups of coffee on a tray, he walked in and put the tray on the table, before turning to Peter. "Don't even say it Parker."
A grin takes over Peter's face before he snickers and says "Bringing us drinks like a grandmother, darling." Fury grumbles about immature adults while everyone else out-right laughs at the scene infront of them. Bucky can't stop laughing, "    Damn... You.. you gonna tell them or let them figure it out themselves? They look quite confused."
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." Peter realised before continuing. "I'm Peter Parker, I'm 16, I'm British. Moved to America last year, under the supervision of the MI6, they're like the British CIA. I've been undercover and Pop-Up Pirate is the only one who knew until now."
Everyone looked shocked at the start, but when Peter finished they chuckled at the joke, Natasha started by asking a question "What part of England do you come from?"
"I'm a native of South-West London, Darling."

I think it's safe to say the Strong British accent would take some getting used to.

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