48- Suffocating

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Never in the 45 years, I've worked for Antonio would I ever think that something like this would happen.

I shot the heir.

I shot Grayson Usoro. Fuck.

And now, I have to try my best to get to him before he bleeds the fuck out. Antonio always made sure that we knew within what rate a person could bleed out from their vein. I lift my head from the ground only to see Grayson's eyes shut and a pool of blood starts growing around him.

5 minutes.

I have 5 minutes to try and slow down Grayson's bleeding and keep my own bleeding under control.

No. I have exactly 3 minutes and 48 seconds before we both bleed out. Thing is, Everlyn's room is fucking giant. I'd say around 20 square meters. Grayson is in the middle of the room while I'm at the damn doorway. 10 meters away from him. It might not be that much. But the problem is: I'm fucking immobile. Both of my damn kneecaps were blown off by Atlas.

I grab a chair that's close to me, trying to pull myself forward. But due to the hardwood floors, the chair just moves towards me instead of me moving toward it. God damn it. I see the pool of blood growing larger.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Grayson." His name comes breathless out of my mouth.

He doesn't answer. I swear to motherfucking god, if he's dead, I'm as good as dead as he is.

"Grayson!" This time I put all the strength I can find into my shout.


Thank fucking god. The kid almost gave me a fucking heart attack. But I guess that that Morales girl is a strong kicker because Gray is out of it again. His eyes shut to their original state and his breathing slows. Grayson's face turns pale.

2 minutes and 13 seconds left.

My head turns with dizziness and confusion.

My heart keeps on hammering faster against my ribcage with every second passing.

I keep on trying to pull myself towards Gray. He's my priority. If he dies and I live I'll be in for hell from Tony. Although I think it's very unlikely. I'm going to die first. There's a blood trail following the 25 centimetres I've moved only by pulling on the floor. It's doing something, but not enough.

I won't be on time.

We're both going to die.

I pull myself closer.

No one is going to find us until it's too late.

Closer. Shutting my eyes.

And Sage Morales and Atlas Bressett will get away with it.


28 seconds left. The timer in my head rings. Maybe I'm just imagining it? Maybe I have more time than I think

I open my eyes and realise I'm arm-length away from Grayson. My fingers reach up to his neck, checking for a pulse.




My back rests on the leather desk chair, finally allowing me to relax. I take a deep breath. In through my nose, out through my mouth. The whiskey sits on my desk, eager to let me have a sip. One sip. But I can't. Not until Sage is home, with his blood on her hands. Because if Sage isn't home within two minutes, Martina will slaughter the hell out of me. Martina knows first-hand how dangerous it is to walk into the lion's den. She, herself, was going to fucking marry the psychopath. Now, Sage is going to kill the person closest to him.

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