14 - September song

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~~Begin flashback 7 years ago~~


Just peace.

Just the gentle breeze and the rustle of leaves.

The small river and the elegant shimmers on the flowing water.

The birds chirping happy in the green painted trees.

The soft tunes and fallen flower petals dancing in the air.

Just me and her.

Just Atlas and Sage.

Just us.

She softly hums along with the song. 'September song' to be exact.

"This song will forever be my favorite." She says while leaning over the fence of the small bridge.

"Yeah, mine too." I replied while looking at her hair gently flowing the wind.

"Why can't this moment last forever? No problems, just us and this magical place." She sighs.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, but how will we ever know if it can get better, no perfect, without moving forward? Without experiencing the future and owning it?" I say deep in thought.

"You and your wise words Atlas. You're right, I will own my future and make it mine. But just not yet." She says while throwing her head back smiling and enjoying the delicate sun on her skin.

"You were my September song, summer lasted too long'' she began to sing with a big smile.

"Time moves so slowly, when you're only fifteen."

"You were my September song, tell me where have you gone?" She started to sing with more energy as the end of the song slowly neared.

"Do you remember me?" I sang along too, causing her to start laughing. We were both putting our best show out here.

"We were only fifteen!

And I, I remember the chorus,

They were singing it for us!

I hear that September song,

That I'm singing along!

Thinking about you and me,

Oh, what a melody!"

We ended as a laughing pit leaning over the fence.

"God Atlas, you were so out of tune, damn." She laughed.

"What? You were definitely the worst singer. I killed it." I nudged her elbow playfully.

She laughed loudly. "You- you chased all the ducks away!" she managed to put out there as she was clutching her stomach from laughing.

I rolled my eyes but laughed too. "Shut up, Sage."

She calmed down enough to stand normally again and looked at the water again. I followed, putting my elbows on the fence.

She then put her head on my shoulder and sighed contentedly.

"On second thought, I don't want this moment to be over, not even if there are more beautiful things out there. This is perfect" she said with a soft smile.

I said nothing but my soft smile did enough.

Me too Sage, me too.

~~End flashback~~

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