9 - Fury

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''Atlas- now isn't good timing. No- stay outside, joder'' [ fuck's sake ] I was about to open the door to my bedroom when I suddenly heard my father speaking to someone downstairs. The only thing that's roaring through my mind is: why the fuck is he here?

Fixing my off-the-shoulder sweater, I sprint downstairs while I still hear my father struggling with keeping Atlas outside.

''Your grey hair suits you, Miguel'' Atlas chuckles, wrapping his arm around father's shoulder. He almost trips, but manages to clutch onto father's vest. Oh lord.

I quickly run up to the both of them, dragging Atlas away from my dad before shit could get even more out of hand. Father shot me a confused look, receiving a shrug from me as I turn Atlas around to face me.

There's a strong scent of alcohol flowing around him, letting me know he's been drinking. A lot. He has his strong muscular arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me even closer to him. It makes my breath hitch as I try to push him off slightly, but he keeps me by his side with force.

I notice my father's gone already, probably stormed up the stairs to his room. Great. ''Atlas, what the fuck are you doing here'' is the first thing I ask since he's shown up here. Although I don't think he's sober enough to answer that question.

''You smell good'' he mutters in a response. I lay my hand underneath his chin, lifting his face up so he's looking straight into my eyes. He looked like a lost puppy. And the guilt I haven't felt for a long time showed up again.

He notices my staring as he narrows his eyes to look at the floor again. He can't go home now, at least not like this. Letting him stay over for one night can't be that bad right? It's just an old best friend being generous.

''Let's get you upstairs'' I slightly shove Atlas away from me, hooking his arm around mine as I drag him along with me up to my room.


Being in this house again.. it felt like I was finally home. Home. It's been a while since I've felt that familiar feeling. It's probably the alcohol that's making me feel homesick.. and upset, maybe also a slight bit of anger. Till this day, I still don't know why the fuck she left me in the first place.

Maybe Dominic was right... you were a really shitty kisser.

Bad kisser.. the hook-ups I've had never complained about me. Maybe they lied to you. Good thing my dick does the deed then.

''Is it because I was a bad kisser?'' My comment broke the silence, making Sage look at me as she let me sit down on her bed.

I still wasn't able to read the expression off of her face. When it comes to her, it's like she blocks herself from showing any emotion.

My comment wasn't enough to spark a reaction from her. She just kicked a pile of clothes which were on the floor as she then turned her back on me. I wasn't able to see what she was doing, but her actions made me mad.

My emotions were all over the place, remind me to never drink alcohol ever again. ''You're quite good at that aren't you?'' I then said while I was looking around in her bedroom. It was almost like things have never changed. Except for our friendship.

''Sorry?'' she responded, even her words held no meaning to them. It was like she was disgusted by the fact I was in her room right now.

''Turning your back on the people''

''I'm not in the mood for this right now. Please just go to bed, Atlas. I'll leave if you want'' What the hell doesn't she understand about this entire situation?! I never remembered her being this stupid. Or she was in denial. Even worse.

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