40 - Confusion

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''Good luck being a good father, but you would know, right? Cause after all; you shot yours.''

My head jerks up at the last sentence. Just as I forget how my parents really died, the person I love most has to remind me that I killed them.

You killed your own parents, Atlas.

Wouldn't a person with a sane mind think that this relationship is toxic if they remind you of something traumatic?

Yeah. Sage is fucking toxic the more I look at it. She cheats on her boyfriend with me and she doesn't support me when I'm going through something?!

Toxicity right there, ladies and gentlemen.

Maybe Samantha isn't bad.

Maybe she can be a perfect mother.

Maybe she can help me create the perfect heir.


Maybe the alcohol I drunk, before coming here, is making me think weird things

Mmmmm, I'd go for a pina colada right now.


A pina colada that is as sweet as that voice. My eyes fall shut and I start to feel a little dizzy.

"Atlas?!" Small hands are shaking me awake, bringing me back to the present time.

You killed your own parents.

And you are the farthest from a sane mind.

Sage isn't toxic.

I am.

I slept with Samantha months ago. If she really would've been pregnant, she would've had a belly.

"Samantha isn't pregnant." The realization flops out of my mouth just as it comes into my mind.

"She isn't?" Sage stands up from her seat on the swing and starts walking back and forth on the playground.

"She played me. She played us. I am going to kill her." Anger floods my mind. But the anger doesn't only come from Samantha, Sage plays as big of a part in my anger as Samantha does.

She brought up my parents. The people that loved her as much as they loved me. The thing that gave me nightmares for years. Trauma for years.

And I don't know if I will ever forgive Sage for it. For bringing me back to my dark place just as I thought I got out of it.

"Look I'm sorry Blaise. I didn't mean it like you didn't mean what you said previously. " She runs her fingers through her hair.

"You know what?"

"What, Atlas?"

"I fully meant what I said." And with that, I walked back to my car and drove off. Leaving the person I thought I loved the most behind, in the darkness of the playground.



"Everlyn?" After finally getting myself together, I walked up to Dominic's room, where Everlyn is temporarily sleeping. After I opened the door, I called for her, but I didn't get an answer back.

This is the exact reason why I hate children.

No, hate is a big word.

This is exactly why I very much dislike children. They just never answer. They can hide wherever they want because their bodies are so tiny and you'll just never find them.

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