10 - Affection

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9:18 am


The usual pillow under my arm every night has been replaced by a warm presence. A delicious strawberry scent rushing into my nose. Strawberries... mmm, I love strawberries. I ignored the three loud knocks on the door and inched my face closer into the strawberry aura, making me melt into its embrace. I casually open my eyes just to see a dark figure hovering above me, closely examining my face. Instincts kick in. A swift uppercut punch making the figure above me drop. The warmth next to me now gone. Damn it.

"¿Qué carajo?" [What the fuck?] I hear Sage say.

Wait what? Sage?! What the hell was I doing in Sage's bed?

As I sit up, I glance over to the window I always climbed on. Memories of all the deep conversations we had at night flooding my mind. Just as my eyes were rooming the room I was now in, Douglas caught my attention, laying on the floor. A bruise slowly forming on his face.

I'd like to give him many more bruises than just that one. Maybe a black-eye. Oh, that one is next on my list.

Dizziness and a throbbing headache taking over my body. Shit, how much did I drink last night? And how the hell did I end up here? Fuck, the kiss. I fucked up again, didn't I? I always fuck up. You're a fuck up to this society Atlas. The word 'fuck' isn't in my favour at the moment.

"Mr. big bad ruthless mafia heir doesn't know how to act with girls, hm?" A question Dominic would definitely ask if he were here right now. I should probably apologize to him.

I feel like I'm about to throw up.

Before my hand could find its way to my mouth, I threw up. Right on the fucker laying on the ground.

"Oops, my bad" I snickered sarcastically.

"Qué diablos está haciendo en tu cama ?! Has visto lo que me ha hecho?" [What the hell is he doing in your bed?! Have you seen what he's done to me?] Douglas started screaming at Sage leaving me with absolutely no clue what he just said.

"Hell no, Doug. You're not speaking to me like that."

That's my girl- My girl?! What the fuck Atlas? You don't have time to think about girls. You are in the middle of a war goddamnit.

"Answer my damn questions, Sage. "

"I'll answer what the hell I want."

"Me dijiste que no me preocupara por él! [You told me not to worry about him!] Sage, do you see the state of my clothes?! They're fucking ruined. These were pretty fucking expensive."

"And you shouldn't. Stop being dramatic Doug, now get out before my room starts to stink. I'm going to take a shower."

"I'm joining" Douglas and I say simultaneously.

"If you both wanted me so bad you should've just said so. Threesome?" She asked with a grin on her face.

Oh, what I would do to remove that grin and replace it with her screaming my name. It's nice to know that her humour hasn't changed at all these past few years.


8 years ago, flashback

"How did the test go?"

I remember the bright smile on her face as she asked me that. She always easily succeeded at school. So if a test went really well, she would ask me that question with a huge grin on her face. Probably to tease me a little. I never minded though. Her smile was enough to keep me happy.

"It was hard, not gonna lie" I answered

"That's what she said!" Sage said as she was rolling on the floor from laughing.

This was the exact moment I realized that I've fallen in love with her. The pure happiness in her face said it all.

I love her.


Present time

When I walked down the stairs, I was greeted with two smiling faces. Sage's parents.

"Atlas, my boy! It's so good to see you again!" Martina, Sage's mom said as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hey maman. [mom] How are you?'' I responded. Martina has always been a second mom to me, she loved me as one of her own. I haven't seen her since my parents funeral though. Their death broke Martina. My fault... again.

"I'm doing great now, Atlas! Care to join us for some pancakes?"

I could feel Douglas's burning gaze in my back. Too bad Douggie boy. The in-laws prefer me.

"Miguel! How are you old guy?" I chuckle when I see Miguel.

"I'll bring hell to you if you call me that again. Do you see these biceps? I'll crush you." He argues with a big smile.

It wasn't the alcohol last night that made me homesick. It was the feeling of being loved. This is the affection I haven't felt for so long.

That's it with the sentimental stuff Atlas. You're turning soft.

"Still hungover from last night?" Miguel says, giving me a warm cup of coffee.

"Yeah, sorry for any trouble I might've caused."

"Don't worry about it son." His giant smile greeting mine.



I walk down to the kitchen just to see a nostalgic scene. My parents chatting with Atlas over some pancakes. Atlas has an immense smile. Since when is Atlas this good-looking?! His straight posture and clean-shaven face made his messy bedhead stand out. And of course, when his icy blue eyes meet mine, my heart melts.

"Getting cosy, aren't ya?" I break the silence that was formed when I walked into the room.

"Hey baby, how did you sleep?" Doug asked trying to keep the conversation going.

"I think she slept pretty well" Atlas answers with a smirk on his face.

Douglas was eyeing Atlas with hate. I honestly felt bad for Douglas. Poor guy did not deserve this, it's pretty cruel. But still, I couldn't help myself from laughing.

"What's so funny?" My father asks with a confused tone to his voice.

"No, no, nothing father" Blood flowing to my cheeks. Probably staining them a red color. Goddamnit, now I need another cold shower. Atlas's kiss has given me more desire to have sex than Douglas ever has.



There it is again. Her sincere smile and rose-colored cheeks. The anger from last night completely replaced by joy. Joy that'll soon be gone again.

"Sage, will you please come. Your mother and I have something to talk to you about. Privately."

"Sure, father"

I turn to look at Douglas. Why the hell did they have to leave us together?

"If I find out that you couldn't keep your little dick inside your pants, I-"

"Wow, wow, slow down there Douggie boy. We don't want to make threats we can't fulfil now, do we?"

"What if I do?"

"You don't want to find out. Douggie. Boy," I grit the last two words.

"But if you really want to know, this 'little' dick made her have big reactions. My name is still ringing in my head from when she screamed it."

"The fuck did you just-"

"Please excuse me," I said as I felt the vibration of my phone ringing in my back pocket.

I gave Douglas a smirk and got up from the table to answer my phone.

"Don?" I whisper.

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