Oneshots pt 2 of 4

Start from the beginning

That got TJ's attention as his head snapped up to his mother then he looked to his Papa, "Can we go sledding! Papa please! Please! Pretty please!"

They both laughed at their son's reaction as he pleaded with his father before Tommy replied, "Only if you eat all your lunch TJ. Don't fill up on cookies."


After they'd bundled up the kids and themselves they headed out to the one small hill within the walls of Altura where a half dozen other kids were already playing. Some were sledding, some were making a snowman and a few others were having a snowball fight. TJ immediately found Julie and the two laughed as they went up the hill together to share her blow up sled. Meanwhile, Tommy and Bailey joined Ted and Laura who had cleared off a bench and laid a blanket over it while they watched their daughter. Tommy left the remaining space to Bailey as she sat down with their daughter in her lap letting her sit up against her torso as he leaned on the back of the bench watching TJ run up the snowy hill.

"So Bailey when are you going back to work?" Laura asked as the two started up a conversation. Bailey had another couple weeks of maternity leave before she was due back to work, then Tommy was going to take some time off for a paternity leave to stay home with Charlie and pick up TJ from school after Bailey dropped him off in the morning on her way to work. They weren't sold on the idea of Charlotte going to the day care that had been established, mainly because winter meant kids with colds and they didn't want to test her little immune system too much too soon.

Bailey explained all this to Laura while he and Ted started their own conversation. "Thanks again Ted, for what you did. I owe you one."

"I've told you 10K don't mention it." Ted replied, they of course were talking about Ted coming to the rescue and getting Bailey to the infirmary when Charlie had made her early appearance. Tommy had no idea how he could ever make it up to the guy for saving his wife and their baby. Luckily, Ted wasn't the kind of person to hold something over your head until he needed a favor done, he was happy just helping people. "I'm just happy to hear she's been doing so well."

Tommy smiled and followed Ted's gaze down at Charlotte. While she was in her mother's arms she was looking up at the lightly falling snow. Her eyes were wide as she focused on one flake as it blew past, then another, then another.

"Babe, she's loving this stuff." He said softly getting Bailey's attention as the four of them looked at Charlie as she cooed and looked at the falling white puffs in awe. Bailey smiled and kissed her baby on her hat covered head as Tommy rested on the back of the bench. They heard high pitched screaming but looked up to see it was only TJ and Julie as they slid happily down the hill. They had to veer off the tube before it could hit a snowman one of the other kids was making and they started laughing as they rolled out of the snow trying to get their balance as they made it back on their feet again.

One shot #4

"Warren." 10K greeted her as he walked into her office in the community building that day. Bailey had left for work about an hour ago and had dropped TJ off at school leaving him to take care of Charlie. He'd fed her and gotten her dressed before bundling her up and putting her in her baby carrier, which was hanging from his hand, and headed to see Warren. He was hoping she might have some news on Murphy and why he'd needed to steal his blood. Given that it was winter there weren't many transport vehicles moving from one outpost to another so travel was limited. But Warren had gotten to go on a supply run earlier that week and 10K was certain she would have made the time to interrogate Murphy. "You find anything in Limbo?"

She shook her head as he put Charlie's carrier down by his feet and leaned forward on her desk, "He wasn't there when I showed up."

He looked at her curiously, that feeling that Murphy was hiding something only getting stronger. Judging by the look on her face she was thinking the same thing.

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