When they finished moving, they just laid down on the floor and smiled. They then ordered dinner, and then went to bed. Tomorrow, Andy finds out the genders of the babies.

Andy's 20 Weeks and 6 Days... Today, Andy has an ultrasound this afternoon with Robert to find out the genders and to check their growth. Plus, it's Andy's twenty-week appointment today along with the ultrasound.

When Andy got up this morning, she realized something that they had forgotten to do. Conversation... Andy: Robert, we forgot about the gender reveal party. Robert: We did. What are we going to do? Andy: I say, we just some silly string and spray them with either pink, or blue. Or both. Robert: Okay. Andy: We can do it next shift. Robert: Okay. I have another idea. Andy: Okay. What? Robert: We use two fire hoses, and the colors that come out are the genders. It won't take long to do. I did it in Montana. Andy: Okay. We'll figure it out. Robert: Okay. Andy: We still need one more big thing. Robert: What? Andy: A bigger car. I've started looking into them. Robert: Okay. Do you like any? Andy: Yes. Robert: Okay. In the future, we go see them. Andy: Okay.

After they finished talking, they got ready for their appointment and then left. When they made it to the appointment, they signed in, and then they were taken back to the ultrasound room. They were going to do the ultrasound first.

Ultrasound Tech Alice: Hello, my name is Alice. Today, I'm going to check everything on your babies. The organs, brain, growth, heart, and genders. We will do one twin at a time. However, we will find both heartbeats first. Andy: Okay. (Alice starts the ultrasound. They find the heartbeats. When Andy and Robert both the heartbeats they smile and feel at ease. After that, they check everything.) Alice: Andy, do you feel that? Andy: Yes, why? Alice: That's Twin A moving. Andy: Really? Alice: Yes. Have you felt that before? Andy: A couple of times. Alice: Okay. Do you guys want to know the genders? Andy: Yes, please. Alice: Okay. Baby A is a baby girl! Andy: Really? Alice: Yes. Andy: What about Baby B? Alice: Baby B is a baby girl as well! You're having two daughters. Congrats. Andy: Oh my, god. We're having two daughters! Robert: That's two little princesses. Andy: Yep. Alice: Would you like a DVD and a ton of pictures? Andy: Of course.

They finish the ultrasound, and once they finish Alice hands them something. She hands them three DVDs showing the ultrasound of each twin, and then a DVD of their heartbeat and the babies moving around in there. Then she handed them over twenty photos of the girls.

(Once she handed them the photos, she took them to their exam room. They wait a few minutes, and that's when Carina comes into the room.) Carina: Hey, guys. How are you doing? Andy: Good. We moved yesterday, and the movers wouldn't let me do a single thing, but direct them. They were quite protective. (Carina smiles.) Carina: That's good. Andy: So, I'm having twin daughters and I've been feeling Baby A move some. Carina: That's good. They should be moving by now. Andy: They are. However, I had no clue that they were moving at all. Carina: That's completely normal. So, I would like to talk to you guys about something I tell all my multiple mamas. Andy: Okay, what is that?

Carina: When you're having twins, you'll likely go into labor between 36 to 38 weeks. However, there's a big chance of premature labor starting after 28 weeks. If you do go into premature labor, you will be admitted to the hospital. You will also get a steroid shot to help mature both of your baby's lungs. Then there's a chance your girls could be born then. However, right now your pregnancy is going strong, so, I don't see a chance of that right now.

Andy: Okay. Carina: I'm not trying to scare you guys. I just wanted you to know what could happen as you progress in your pregnancy. Andy: Okay. Thank you. Carina: Let's check those little girls' heartbeats. (Carina checks the heartbeats.) Carina: They sound beautiful. Are you excited to have two daughters? Andy: Very much so. This pregnancy was so unexpected, but it has been a joy so far. So, much has changed in our lives since then, and so much more is going to change. Carina: Yes, it is. Until 30 weeks, I'll see you every three weeks, and then every two weeks. As you progress, you'll have more regular appointments. Andy: Okay. Thank you so very much. Carina: You're welcome. I'll see you at your 24-week appointment.  Andy: Okay.

After that, they headed home. When Andy and Robert heard that, they were scared of the possibility of premature labor, but also happy about having two daughters. They were glad to have two daughters, now they just have to figure out how to tell the team.

Andy: This was so exciting. Robert: Agreed. Where having twin daughters. Andy: I know. I can't believe that I've been feeling them move. Robert: I know. How are we going to tell the team? Andy: Silly string. Robert: Nice. I guess we will stop by the store and pick some up. Andy: Yep. We can tell them the next shift, which is tomorrow. Robert: Okay. Andy: Now we have to make the baby registry and do their nurseries. Robert: I'm excited to do that. Andy: Me too. Robert: Are you scared about the possibility of premature labor? Andy: Yes, but I'm glad she told us about the possibility of them coming early. Robert: Me too.: End of Conversation After that, they went to the store and got the silly string.

They then went home to their new home and laid down on their bed with all the boxes around them, and all they could do was smile.

Andy's 21 Weeks and 1 Day... This morning, Robert got up with Andy, because they plan on telling the team their genders.

This morning, Robert woke up with Andy. She got ready for work, and they left together with the silly string. They drove to work, but he plans to pick Andy up in the morning, so, that way they go sign the papers for the lot of land they're buying.

When they got to work, everyone was in the garage, cleaning. So, they called everyone over to them, so, that way they can tell them the genders. Conversation... Andy: Guys we have some really big news. Robert: Everyone come here and get in a line, please. (When the team heard that, they were confused, but came over.) Robert: You ready? Andy: Yep. Vic: Really for what? (By the time Vic finished saying that, Andy and Robert pulled out the cans behind their backs, and got ready to spray. Then they started spraying the team. It took the team a minute to figure out what is happening.) Andy: We're having two daughters! Vic: Really? Robert: Yes, we are. Travis: Group hug!: End of Conversation After that, they all had a big group hug.

After the group hug, Robert hung out with the team until their first call, and then he left. Andy decided today to be on ambulance duty today.

Andy's 21 Weeks and 2 Days... Today, they sign papers for the plot of land. So, this morning, Robert came and picked Andy up, and they headed to Hazel's office.

When they got there, they were escorted to her office. Conversation... Hazel: How are you guys this morning? Andy: I'm tired. I had three ambulance calls during the night. Hazel: I'm sorry. So, today we're here to sign papers for the land. As of right now, there are ten to fifteen house layouts allowed on this land. So, you have options. Andy: Okay. I don't want to start that right now. Hazel: Okay. Let's sign the paperwork. (They sign a ton of paperwork.) Hazel: Congrats you now own an acre of land. Andy: Thank you.: End of Conversation After that, they talk for a few more minutes and then they leave.

When they leave, they're glad to own the piece of land they might build their house on. They then headed home. When they got home, they unpacked some, and then went to bed.

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