chapter fifty-two

48 3 23

published on august 22, 2021

hi hotties

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Louis' Point Of View

Louis waited a few more hours to call Harry back. He originally was planning on Harry to be the one to call him, but after a while, Louis realized he needed to take matters into his own hands.

He picked up his phone and clicked on Harry's contact, his thumb hovering over the "call" icon. Before he clicked, he smiled a little at Harry's contact photo. It was a selfie Harry took with Louis' phone after he snatched it from Louis' pocket and started running away with it. Louis chased Harry all throughout his house for a good five minutes before getting it back. When Harry reluctantly returned it, Louis' camera roll was filled with pictures of Harry. Most of them were blurry since Harry was running around, but Louis distinctly remembered going through and favoriting all of the selfies later that night.

All of the pictures were generally the same (Harry smiling at the camera or holding up peace signs and thumbs up), but this one was really special to Louis for some reason. Maybe it was the way Harry's emerald eyes were almost twinkling, or the fact that he had the biggest smile plastered on his face and it made his dimples show. There was just something about this particular photo that stood out to Louis. He actually had it as his wallpaper on his phone for a while, but he didn't tell Harry because he knew Harry would never let him live it down.

Even though it was literally just a contact photo, this picture opened a flood of memories Louis shared with Harry. The day Harry took all of the selfies was the same day he had forced Louis to watch The Notebook for the first time. Louis had accidentally let it slip that he had never seen The Notebook, which practically made Harry start to cry. He couldn't believe his boyfriend had never seen the "best movie of all time," so he sat Louis down on the couch, grabbed a bunch of blankets, pillows, and snacks, and put on the movie.

Louis would never admit it out loud, but he actually enjoyed The Notebook. As Harry was sobbing into a pillow at the end of the movie, Louis found himself wiping his eyes. He didn't even remember when he started to cry. He never told Harry any of this of course because he would have never let it go.

Also because Louis is stubborn and didn't want Harry to be right about him liking the movie.

Snapping back to reality, Louis took a deep breath and pressed the "call" button. The phone rang and rang and rang. Louis sighed when it went right to voicemail.

"Wait...'s it recording? Oh! H-Hi! It's Harry! Thanks for calling me - super sorry that I didn't answer. I'm sure there's a good reason though, I'd never ignore you on purpose! Anyway, leave a message if you want to and I'll talk to you later! Bye!"

Louis couldn't help but smile when he heard these words. He was actually with Harry when he recorded this voicemail. Louis forced Harry to record it after Harry told him that he just used the automated one. He had messed up about forty times before this one, and both of the boys were tired of hearing "Hi! It's Harry!" so they just used this one, accepting the fact that it was probably going to be the best they were going to get. Harry was so proud of himself once he finished it.

Louis shook his head. He had to stop finding things that gave him flashbacks of happier times of him and Harry.

He flopped back down on his bed and covered his face with his hands.

Louis hated himself for thinking it, yet he couldn't help but wonder if the good times in his and Harry's relationships would forever be in the past.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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