chapter twenty-eight

35 3 5

published on april 20, 2021


sorry it's been a week since a new chapter was updated


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Harry was like a little kid and got up at 6 am.

Well, Christmas has always been Harry's favorite holiday. He knew that Gemma and Anne wouldn't be up until at least 8:30, so that gave him a good two and a half hours. He was laying on his back in bed with the ceiling fan blowing cool air on his warm face. Today his grandma and aunts would be coming over. Harry couldn't remember the last time he had talked to them, and was excited to be seeing them. Maybe this would be the year that his dad would talk to him, or at least call him.

Who was he kidding? That would never happen...

Why was he thinking about this now? It was Christmas morning; today was supposed to be a happy day. Yesterday had been the best Christmas Eve Harry had ever experienced, no offense to Gemma and his mum. When he had heard Louis coming down the stairs, then Louis' face when they jumped out of the closet. Harry had never seen someone so genuinely happy. They spent most of the day with Louis, and Harry wouldn't have traded any second of it for anything. When Harry was with Louis, he was the happiest person in the world. With Louis, it was like all of his problems, insecurities, and worries just disappear. When he is away from Louis for a while, it's like he's missing half of himself. Louis makes Harry whole.

After they left Louis' yesterday, the Paynes came over for Christmas Eve dinner. They were like family to Harry, and he didn't realize how much he missed them until yesterday. They talked about so many things and were constantly laughing. At some point, the conversation was focused on Louis. Harry had no clue how it got there, but it led to him telling everyone everything and now they all knew how obsessed he is with him. They made fun of Harry for a bit, but then started talking about Gemma and Liam. Harry could tell that they were both embarrassed, but he was just happy they weren't talking about Louis anymore. Well, Harry could go on and on about him for hours... but it just wasn't the best topic for Christmas Eve dinner.

They sat around the table for hours, just telling stories. Then they opened gifts and Liam loved his shoes. Liam got Harry some film for his polaroid and a gift card to their favorite ice cream shop. Harry, Gemma, and his mum would exchange gifts in the morning. The Paynes didn't end up leaving till about 12:30. Once they left Harry went up to bed, where he did get up at 6:30 that morning.

Harry snapped back into reality when there was knocking at his door.

"Come in!" Harry yelled and sat up in bed.

Gemma walked in and handed him a cup of tea. Harry grabbed the tea and took a sip.

"Merry Christmas, H!"

"Merry Christmas, Gems!"

Gemma sat on the end of his bed and they talked about everything that had happened this past year. They talked about school, family, Liam, and of course Louis. Anne eventually walked in and it was about 9 am - Gemma and Harry had been talking since 7.

"Merry Christmas, babies!" Anne said hugging both of them.

"Merry Christmas mum!" both of them whispered in her ears.

Before he went downstairs, he texted all of the lads a Merry Christmas.

They went to the living room to see a bunch of presents under the tree. Harry had snuck his under there last night after he heard Gemma and Anne go upstairs. He poured himself a new cup of tea and one for his mum. Gemma said she didn't want one because she would have too much energy from it. Anne sat on the couch drinking her steaming tea and opened her main present that both Harry and Gemma bought for her. She opened the box, her face lit up, and her month was in the shape of an "o".

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