chapter seventeen

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published on march 31, 2021

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Harry hadn't been this happy in a while.

Scratch that. Harry hadn't been this excited for a while. Scratch that. Harry hadn't been this excited to see Louis in a while. Wait, what? He was always excited to see Louis.

Well, long story short, Harry could not stop smiling.

He lathered his favorite smelling soap all over himself in the shower, as he belted out random songs he had just heard on the radio. Using his shampoo bottle as his microphone, he started singing a song he was making up as he went.

"I'm gonna see Louis tonight!"

"Even though Liam and I are still in a fight!"

"Oh, Niall and Zayn will be there too!"

"Hopefully I don't look like a fool!"

"What if Louis really likes me back?"

"I think I'd have a heart attack!!"

Harry sang off-key and too loud, but he couldn't care less. He was just proud that he came up with that song so quickly.

He was determined not to let Liam cross his mind once tonight - this was supposed to be a fun night out with his friends for God's sake, not an opportunity for him to feel sick over Liam!

Harry stepped out of the shower and quickly dried off. He looked at himself in the mirror and frowned. He looked like a hobo with his wet curls all over the place. He decided to take care of his hair later, and ran into his room with his towel still on to pick out his clothes. This would be the hardest part. He needed the perfect thing to wear. Skinny jeans were a must, so he picked out black ones that had rips on the knees. He didn't know wether he should wear a nice, plain, fitted white t-shirt, or go bold and wear a purple button-up with a floral design. He decided on the white t-shirt. He might regret looking too fancy in the purple shirt, anyway.

He quickly got changed and sprayed a bit of cologne on. Next was his hair. He checked his watch. Ten minutes to five. Crap, he was gonna be late. He looked at himself in the mirror and groaned. He couldn't go out looking like this! He sprinted to Gemma's room and rummaged around for her hair dryer. Good thing she wasn't home, Harry thought to himself.

Running back to the bathroom, he plugged in the hair dryer and turned it on, letting the warm air dry his soaked curls. He ran the dryer through his hair, till the point where it wasn't dripping wet, but not bone dry either. Just right. Harry ran his hands through his hair one last time and winked at himself in the mirror before running downstairs.

Shoes. He needed shoes. He spotted his tan Chelsea boots by the door and slipped them on, for he had no time to get anything else. He found his wallet and keys on the kitchen island, grabbed his phone and his coat, and headed outside.

It was already dark when he got outside, the cool wind whipping his freshly cleaned face. He put his coat on and started his car. He hopped in and turned the heat on, shaking his head at his past self - what was he thinking having the AC on? As he drove up his street to get the lads from Niall's, he remembered how much Zayn and Louis were complaining at how cold they were, and Niall and Harry just ignored them because they were sweating. Harry felt so guilty. God, why was he so inconsiderate? Poor little chop suey was probably freezing after standing outside in the chilly air, watching their football match. And then Harry had the audacity to let Niall keep the AC on? He couldn't forgive himself after this one. Poor little shivering Louis, and all Harry could think about was himself. He slapped himself. Louis probably hated him now.

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