chapter fifty-one

42 3 47

published on august 7, 2021


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'Are you even trying anymore?

You do realize that it's gonna get harder and harder for us to keep this relationship going, right?

The way that things are going right now...

I'm just trying to be realistic.

If I'll ever see you again.'

Harry had been back at his dad's house for a couple of days now and Louis' words have been stuck in his head. There had to be something going on for Louis to just say that out of nowhere. Ever since the walk home and Louis said that he didn't mean what he said, everything had been off.

It was now 2:38 am and Harry was sitting on his bed, staring at the ceiling with those words repeating in his head. He had school tomorrow, but that was just a thought that got pushed to the very back of his mind as he tries to think of why Louis would just... give up on them like that.

H: R u up??

Harry sent that text two minutes ago because he just needed to talk to someone, and was now staring at the screen waiting for him to answer.

Leeyum 😎: now I am

whats up

H: can I call u?

Leeyum 😎: everything ok?

H: i will explain on the phone

Not even a minute later, Harry's phone was lighting up with an incoming call from Liam. 

"Hey H, what's wrong?" Liam asked immediately as Harry picked up.

"I think Louis wants to break up with me," Harry blurted out.

"Wait, hold on...W-What? " Liam asked through the phone.

"Well last weekend when I was home, he woke up at the literal crack of dawn and then we went on a walk. It was fine, and even the night before everything was fine as well-" Harry got interrupted by Liam's laugh. He rolled his eyes. "Not like that Li, this is serious."

"Sorry, sorry," Liam said back in a serious voice, but Harry could tell he was biting back his laughter.

"Okay, well he was saying that he didn't want me to leave again - and obviously I didn't want to leave again, but I really have no choice. Then all of a sudden, it was like something hit him a-and he was saying that I wasn't even trying anymore with helping my mum get a job, that trying to keep our relationship going is going to get harder and harder, and he was just going on about how hard it is for him to see me leaving. He's giving up on us, on me. And I don't know if I want to fight for something that's already sinking, especially if I'm the only one fighting."

"Harry, you can't just give up on him, you have to keep fighting. Do it for Louis. Just because things are going to shit doesn't mean you can just leave it and watch it all get destroyed. Remember how it was when you didn't even know each other but you loved him? Mate, I know you still do love fight for him. Harry, you need to talk to him and see where he is coming from."

"I tried! I fucking tried to talk to him but he just said to forget about and acted like he never said anything... b-but everything has been off since then."

the spaces between us  ➳  larry stylinsonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя