chapter six

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published on march 28, 2021

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It was finally Saturday. That means no more school for the next two days, footie practice, and hanging out with Liam. But it did mean that Harry would not be seeing Louis for the next couple of days. Ever since Louis' showed up at his door with Harry's sweatshirt, he couldn't get him off his mind. Well, I mean even if he didn't just show up at his door out of nowhere, he would still be thinking of him - but this time it's different. Louis must think he is not a complete idiot, right? You don't just show up at the front door of the person you hate. Where or who did Louis even get Harry's address from? But that is not important right now because...Louis Tomlinson knows where he lives?!

It had been two days since Louis dropped off his sweatshirt and it still smelt like him. Harry slept with it in his bed for the past couple of nights and held it close to his face. He used to not really like that sweatshirt, but now it was his favorite. It was a gray Nike sweatshirt and the best part about it was that the pockets zippered up so nothing would fall out. Well, that and the fact it smelt like the Louis Tomlinson.

After spending hours in his bed thinking about Louis, Harry decided it was time to get up and eat something quick, because he had football practice in an hour or so. Harry promised Liam to bring him to practice and after take him to get ice cream. Ice cream probably wasn't the best thing to eat after practice but they did go at least once a month and they hadn't gone yet. Harry made some tea and put in a to-go cup along with a piece of toast, then headed out the door.

"You ready for practice, lad?" Liam asked as he got into the front seat of Harry's car.

"I don't know man. Coach Franklin did say that we were going to do lots of running today. So I'm not really looking forward to it, but I think we'll make it through," Harry said as he backed up out of Liams driveway.

Liam's house was like Harry's second home. He would always go over there and Liam's parents always told him he could stay when ever he needed to. His house always smelt like a different baked good whenever he went in. Liam's mum worked from home most days and loved to bake just like Anne. Her and Anne would always be exchanging recipes and giving each other something that one of them baked. At times it was almost like they were best friends too. Well I mean they kinda were. Liam's house was not too big but not too small, just the right size. Harry loved it there.

The ride over to school for practice, Liam and Harry complained about Coach Franklin and his stupid drills. They did help all of the lads out a lot but still no one really wanted to do them. As they arrived in the parking lot more and more of their teammates started to get out of their cars and walk to the locker room. But Harry and Liam stayed in the car for a couple of minutes since they still had 15 minutes till practice and both of them already had their kits on.

"Alright Li, I have something to tell you and you can't get mad because I didn't tell you right away. It kinda took me a while to process it," Harry said shyly.

"Whats up, H?"

"So after my tutoring lesson with Louis, I couldn't find my sweatshirt anywhere. I had even gone back to the school and looked for it, but it was nowhere. Then, like a day or two later, someone was at my front door and I thought nothing of it and went to see who it was. Then when I opened the door LOUIS was there holding MY sweatshirt."

Liam sat there for a minute with his mouth slightly open looking at Harry.

"Oh-Oh my god Harry! Mate that's huge Louis just showed up at your door?!" he finally said with a smile on his face. Good; he wasn't mad that Harry didn't tell him right away.

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