chapter twenty-two

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published on april 4, 2021

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As Louis opened the front door, Harry felt his heart beating faster and faster. He could feel the sweat starting to form on his hands. Harry has been in Louis driveway before but not in his actual house. This was going to be something...

"Hey honey! Come in the kitchen - your sisters want to show you their drawings." Louis' mum called out as they walked through the door.

The two boys took off their shoes and Harry put down their bags. Louis' house was just like Harry had imagined. He looked around from where he was standing; there were pictures of Louis and his sisters on every wall, a fuzzy rug in the living room with the most comfortable looking gray couch, there was a playroom painted a light yellow with dolls everywhere and other little toys.  His house was so bright - like the sun was always shining on it.

As they started to walk towards the kitchen, Louis could tell that Harry was nervous, so he grabbed his hand and gave him a little smile. Which only caused Harry's heart to beat faster. When they walked into the kitchen, Harry saw Louis' mums' eyes dart to his and Louis' intertwined fingers. Harry wanted to let go, but he couldn't.

"Harreeee!"One of the twins called as she got out of her chair and ran over to him. Then gave him a little hug, and Harry bent down and wrapped his arms around her, reluctantly letting go of Louis.

"Daisy, let him go." Louis said laughing.

"Hi Daisy!" Harry said as the little girl backed away.

The other girls were drawing at the kitchen table while Louis' mum was drying a dish looking confused at Harry.

"This is Harry." Louis said to his mum, blushing profusely.

"Oh nice to meet you Harry! I'm Louis' mum - you can call me Jay," she said, smiling widely.

She looked exactly like Louis' sisters, Harry thought. Well they all looked the same. Jay had beautiful brown hair, hazel eyes, and a smile just like Louis'. She seemed so nice and truly a genuine person.

"Nice to meet you, Jay!" Harry said, smiling back at her.

"Did you and Lou meet from school?"

"Oh! Umm, yeah, we have a couple of classes together and we also met through Niall." Harry replied shyly. He was too embarrassed to tell her that Louis was his tutor.

"Ahh of course Niall," Jay laughed. She put the plate she was drying down and helped Lottie get some crackers down from the pantry.

"Harry! Harry! Look at me dawing!" Phoebe came running over shoving the picture in Harry's face.

"Woah Pheebs, calm down!" Louis said, taking the picture from her hands then handing it to Harry.

Harry took it and he had no clue what it was supposed to be. Maybe some sort of butterfly or something...? Luckily Phoebe explained that it was indeed a butterfly on a flower.

"That is really good! Where did you learn to draw like that?" Harry asked, pretending to be serious. He heard Louis laugh next to him.

Phoebe smiled proudly and flipped her hair off her shoulder saying, "I teached myself." Harry laughed at how sassy this little girl was.

Before she could say anything else, Daisy took her own drawing and showed it to Harry. She pushed Phoebe out of the way and Jay told her to be nice to her sister. But that didn't stop her. Harry told her how much he liked it, and that it was very good. Both of the girls insisted that Harry kept their drawings, so he did.

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