chapter sixteen

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published on march 31, 2021

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Harry had spent all of Friday in his bed, only getting up to get food and go to the bathroom. 

He wasn't sick or anything, just worried. His mum came home late Thursday night and Gemma only came home to leave again. She said that she was sleeping over a friend's house, but she didn't take her car. Gemma was a pretty shy person, and only had a few friends who lived a walking distance away. Also all of the people that came to mind were at university.

Harry happened to be getting a glass of water when Gemma came in after she spent Thursday night out. She looked pretty tired and her hair was pulled up into a messy bun. She did look pretty happy though.

"Hey Gem! How was your night?" Harry asked, trying to not spill his water on the floor.

"Oh, umm, it was good!" She said, then went up to her room.

"Weird..." Harry whispered to himself.

Harry didn't really think anything of it at the time, so he just went up to his room and tried to take a nap. A couple of his friends had texted him asking if he wanted to hang out, but he really wasn't in the mood. He replied saying that he was busy and came up with a different lie for each friend.

Harry could hear Gemma on the phone with someone as he drifted off to sleep. They shared a wall and had a secret knocking system, so he knocked 4 times telling her to be quiet.

"Is Harry doing okay?" Harry almost jumped out of his bed and through the wall that he and Gemma shared when he heard his name. Well, he was awake now. He couldn't help but listen... I mean they were talking about him. Who could she be talking to?

"I think that he's fine; he slept over Niall's house the other night. I think that was his name." She replied to the mystery boy.

The boy just laughed and said something that Harry couldn't hear. Harry wanted to go into Gemma's room and scream at her. Harry knew that laugh. 

She was talking to Liam. 

Of course she was. On Wednesday Harry saw that he had called and texted her a couple of times, but he just tried to convince himself that it was nothing. But it was definitely something.

Harry was pacing around his room. How could Gemma do this to him? She knew that they were fighting because Harry had told her the day it happened. He told her everything and Gemma agreed that Liam was being a jerk. And apparently Liam had told her as well because of what she said the other day, and she seemed to completely forget about her conversation with her own brother.

He decided to text Louis to clear his mind.


It was now Saturday, which meant football practice. Coach had canceled it for the days that they had off and said that it would be scheduled for today. Harry always put his kit on before he left the house. So he put it on, then pulled his hair into a black headband to keep his curls out of his face. He grabbed his bag then sat on the front porch waiting for Niall to pick him up.

Niall texted him that morning telling him that he would drive him. Harry took him up on the offer if that meant that he didn't have to drive. It wasn't that Harry was a bad driver, he was actually a pretty good one. He was just not in the mood to drive today and he wasn't the biggest fan of driving alone.

Niall pulled into Harry's driveway and gave him a little wave. The only thing was that Niall was not alone in the car. Zayn was in the passenger's seat and turned around, talking to someone in the back. 

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