chapter two

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published on march 28, 2021

congrats! you made it past the first chapter. this is katelyn's first chapter...enjoy :)

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Leeyum😎: Lad come over after school tomorrow, mum is getting pizza!

H: Payno u know I have to go to my math tutor

Leeyum😎: Just skip

H: I can't just skip the first one and u know I am failing math

Leeyum😎: I can help u

H: Says the man who has a C

Leeyum😎: Yeah, yeah whatever suit yourself loverboy

H: Now what is that supposed to mean

Leeyum: Don't think that I couldn't see the way that u were looking @ Louis on the bleachers, then when u asked me his name, after I said Louis u completely zoned out. I know that u r sitting in ur bed right now blushing at the mention of his name

H: Oh shut up

Leeyum😎: See you tomorrow

H: Goodnight

Harry turned off his phone, deciding it was time to go to bed, where he has to get up at the crack of dawn for school tomorrow. He slipped out of his sweats and shirt and slid under the covers to his warm, full sized bed. Then he realized Liam might be right...there is one thing on his mind.

Jesus; why couldn't he get this gorgeous, blue eyed boy out of his head?

He just answered it without even trying.

He was drop dead gorgeous, his eyes (which Harry could not help but to get lost in), his button nose, his cheekbones, his eyelashes, his everything was just so perfect. But how was today the first time he's ever seen him?

Harry fell asleep with Louis on his mind while listening to the slight hum of his fan.


He woke up the next morning to the sound of his sister Gemma banging on his door. "Harry get up! You're going to be late; mum made eggs for breakfast when you are ready!" Harry finally got ready and trudged down the stairs for breakfast and saw that Anne had already left for work. She was a pretty busy lady but always made time for her children.

He sat down next to Gemma and ate his eggs. "So Haz, whats on your mind?" his sister asked

"Nothin much Gem, What about you?"

"Come on I know there is something distracting you - you never sleep past your alarm."

"No, there is nothing," Harry lied.

"Pleasee H, you know you can tell me anything!" she begged

"Okay, okay fine! So, there's this boy..." he finally gave in.

"Oh my God; tell me ALL about him right now!"

Harry went on and on about Louis for what felt like hours and Gemma just listened. Eventually, she told him that he is already so whipped. Then there was a knock on the door and his heart sank. Harry got so carried away talking about Louis and he completely forgot that he told Liam he would drive him to school today. Well, Liam did only live a three minute walk from Harry's house, but Harry told him that he would pick him up. He opened the door to a disappointed Liam and apologized multiple times. But Liam did not seem to be that distraught over it. Anyway, even if he was upset with Harry, those feelings were immediately pushed aside when Gemma bursted out "LIAM HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME THAT MY LITTLE BROTHER IS IN LOVE?"

"I am NOT in love," Harry shouted, embarrassed. Well... he kind of was in love, though. He already accepted that, but he was not ready to say it loud. Everybody at school knew that Harry was gay, but he had no clue about Louis' sexuality. He wasn't sure if he was ready to find out if there was a small chance that he could date the love of his life or not. That never even crossed his mind before: what if Louis didn't like boys? 

Harry could not be thinking of this right now - he had to get to school.

"Gemma, we are going to talk about this later okay? We need to get to school now," Harry said before Liam could say anything back.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," Gemma said

"I'll text you later!" Liam told her as Harry pulled him out the door.

The whole way to school Liam teased Harry about Louis, but he just ignored him. As they pulled into the parking lot of their high school it seemed a bit more crowded than usual. They were usually some of the first ones there, but not today.  I mean they did get a little distracted this morning but we won't talk about that. 

As he got out of his car something caught his eye. Louis was standing by the school entrance talking to Nick. Nick Grimshaw wasn't exactly known to be nice to people. Although he was nice to Liam and could be nice to Harry sometimes. Harry didn't see why Liam still hung out with him; he could be really rude sometimes without even having a reason. Louis seemed pretty shy and only had a couple of friends, according to Liam. So why was Nick talking to him?

After watching them talk for a few minutes, Harry started to walk towards them. But then Liam pulled him back, definitely knowing what Harry was thinking.

"What the hell mate?!" Harry questioned

"H, you guys have only ever talked once. I'm sure that if you go over there, you would just make him look even more scared," Liam protested

"Fine, but you have to tell Nick to leave him alone. I can not handle seeing Louis upset."

Just as Harry said that, Nick walked away with an evil grin on his face and Louis turned back to his friends. Hold on... Louis was friends with Niall Horan? He was nice and everything but he was loud and you would never think that a lad like him would be friends with Louis Tomlinson. Harry had a couple of classes with Niall and would talk to him occasionally. Maybe he could help him get closer to Louis because lately that is all he wanted to do. He looked at Louis again and saw Zayn Malik walk up next to him. Great... he was one of the most intimidating people out of the entire school. Then Harry felt something kick him. It was Liam.

"Jesus, Harry snap out of it! You look so creepy just staring at him."

"Oh, shut up Liam!"

"Come on let's go in," Liam said. "Do you think that you can handle walking by him?"

The two boys walked into school and right past Louis, Niall, and Zayn. Harry could not help himself from looking at them as they passed. Harry thought he was going to die when Louis turned to look at him then gave him the cutest little smile he has ever seen. Harry could faint right there and then but Liam put his arm over his shoulder to steady him and Harry smiled back.

The rest of the day went by just like any other. Try not to fall asleep in English and History, eat lunch with Liam and a couple of other boys from the footie team but of course peaking over at Louis table every once in a while, and getting back another math test with a big F on it. I mean, at least this time he answered all of the questions. He did get a 28% but that is not important. Good thing his tutoring session was today.

He was finishing putting his books away at his locker and getting his bag to go, when Liam walked up to him. Liam insisted on walking him to the library for his tutoring, and Harry let him. They got to the library and Liam wished him good luck before going on his way. Harry stepped in the library and...

No, no, no this could not be happening...

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who do you think is waiting for harry in the library 🤭?

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