chapter twenty-six

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published on april 13, 2021

long-ish chapter ahead!

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It was the next day, twenty-four hours till Louis' birthday, and Harry still had no clue what to get him. It had to be something that only he would understand. Harry wished that he had more time to figure out what to get for him. The gift had to be perfect. He had been sitting in his bed all morning and for some of the afternoon, trying to come up with gift ideas. 

It finally hit him. 

No, not literally this time.

He was going to get Louis a frog. Not a real one but a stuffed animal frog. From that first day that they started texting to now, Louis sent him the frog emoji everyday. Yes, its purpose was kind of  to make fun of Harry, but now it was one of Louis' most used emojis.

He ran downstairs, pulling a sweatshirt over his head. It was the gray one that Louis had put his number in. The sweatshirt messed up his curls a bit, but there was no time to fix them. He grabbed his keys then headed for the door.

"Woah, what is the rush?" Gemma was sitting at the table on FaceTime with Liam.

It took Harry a couple of minutes to catch his breath but he finally got out the words "I know what to get Louis for his birthday."

"It's about time," Liam said through the phone sarcastically.

"Oh shut up Liam! I will come over there myself and hang up on you," Harry snapped back.

"Well, what is it?" Gemma questioned him while shushing Liam.

"A frog."

It was silent for a few seconds, but then Liam and Gemma bursted out laughing. Gemma was basically crying, she was laughing so hard. Harry noticed through the screen that Liam had his face in a pillow to muffle the laughter. But it did not help.

"Fine, I don't need you guys' approval; I am going to buy Louis his stuffed animal frog," Harry dramatically turned and headed for the door.

"Harry, Harry, come back please! I think that it's perfect and I'm sure that it has some story behind it. He'll love it!" Gemma stopped laughing, but was still trying to pull herself together.

"Thank you!" Harry yelled then walked out the door. He jumped in the car and turned the keys. The engine roared to life and he was pulled out of the driveway.

He got to the mall and started his search for the perfect frog. As Harry walked through the mall, he saw a lot of people last minute Christmas shopping and running around. He passed by the pretzel stand and all he wanted to do was get an order of the bite size pretzels sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar. But he stopped himself, for he was only here to get Louis' present. 

As Harry walked by a cute little, homey looking store he spotted the perfect frog through the window. He was about to go in but then suddenly there was someone hugging his leg.

"Harreeeee!" The little girl screamed, squeezing his leg tighter.

"Phoebe! Get back here right now!" Harry could hear a very familiar voice getting closer and closer.

Harry turned around to see Louis walking towards them while dragging Daisy with him. He looked so soft in a gray crew neck with black jeans. The crew neck was, of course, a little big. Harry couldn't help but stare at the beautiful boy, just for a second.

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