chapter twenty-five

36 3 5

published on april 10, 2021


Thank you for over 300 readers!!!  We honestly didn't even think we'd get over 3 people to read it.  MWAH <33

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It was 7:30 in the morning when Harry first opened his eyes. His room was dark and his bed felt different. He tried to prop himself up on his elbows, but found that he couldn't. That's when he realized that something was on top of him, preventing him from getting up. His heart started to beat faster. What was going on? What was on top of him? His pillow? Harry shook his head. No, whatever was on top of him was light; but not that light.

As Harry's eyes got less blurry and he could start to make out what was in his room, he remembered something. 

He wasn't even at his house! 

He would have laughed at himself, if Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis weren't all still asleep. He felt stupid, thinking that he was at his own house when he literally went to Niall's not even twelve hours before-

Harry turned over onto his side and closed his eyes again, trying to fall back to sleep. As he got himself comfortable, he realized he still hadn't addressed a small issue. 

And that issue happened to be: what the hell was on top of him? 

He willed his eyes to focus, trying to make out what it was, but the room was too dark. Harry was scared to move, but he needed to see what it was.

And that's when it hit him.

No literally, it hit him. 


This time, a hand slapped his face; not hard, but with enough force to make Harry go "Ow!" He slapped his hand to his mouth when he remembered his friends were still asleep.

Louis. THAT'S what was on top of him. 

Well, he was exaggerating. Louis wasn't quite literally on top of him, more like on top of the left side of his body. He must have been dreaming and hit Harry on accident. Or on purpose. We'll never know...

Louis' hand stayed on Harry's face. He almost didn't want to remove it. Instead, Harry turned his body to the left, facing Louis. He cursed the darkness and it preventing him from basking in Louis' beautiful features. His ice-blue eyes, prominent cheekbones, and his soft, tiny lips. Even if he couldn't see him, Harry imagined Louis' face, and couldn't help but smile. Five seconds ago he hated the darkness. Now, he was grateful for it, because he was sure he looked as red as a tomato with a sunburn.

He still couldn't quite process it. Louis and Harry cuddled...AGAIN. How did this keep happening? Harry remembered going to bed right next to Louis (or something like that - Harry blushed too hard when he thought about it) and then he awoke like this! 

Jesus, they should have sleepovers more often...


Harry ended up falling back to sleep and woke up around three hours later. Everyone was starting to wake up, and Harry was glad he got to admire Louis earlier without anyone seeing him. 

Wait. That was creepy.

He knew he would have to pull apart from Louis, because if the other lads saw them - Harry sucked in a breath - what would they think? On the other hand though, Louis was still sleeping and looked so so peaceful, just lying there, head on Harry's chest. It took every urge he had in his body to stop Harry from combing his hands through Louis' hair. Maybe he should just pretend to be asleep too? So it'll be less awkward for Louis?

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