chapter twelve

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published on march 30, 2021

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Harry pulled himself together and threw away his dirty tissues, but put the one that he hadn't used in his pocket. Louis Tomlinson just found him crying in the bathroom and stayed and hugged him. Harry could still feel Louis' warm arm around him. Harry would never forget that moment. Harry just poured his heart out to Louis and he sat there and listened. Not only did he listen, but he comforted Harry.

Harry splashed his face with cool water then headed out the door. As he turned around the corner, he saw Louis walking into a class. Louis looked back at him and smiled with a concerned look on his face. He was asking if Harry was okay. Harry returned the smile and gave him a little nod. Then he watched Louis' smile get a little brighter before he walked into his class.

"Mr. Styles, do you think that it is okay to just strut into my class 15 minutes late?" What a lovely greeting, Harry thought. But he could never say that out loud.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Balmer, it won't happen again!" Harry replied with an awkward smile. He could hear his friends laughing at him but he really didn't care about that right now.

"See me after class please."

Great... now Harry had to stay after class. His heart dropped when he realized that if he would be getting in trouble, then so would Louis. Stupid Harry had to cry in the bathroom, and of course Louis had to find him, and now they were getting in trouble. Hopefully Louis wouldn't be in too much trouble... he did have good grades, he was never causing any trouble, and he was the sweetest person. 

The rest of class went by pretty fast (pretty much because Louis was on Harry's mind the whole time), but that also meant that he had to talk to Mrs. Balmer pretty soon.

The class had gotten dismissed, and the good news was that he saw Louis walk by the door - which means that he didn't have to stay after. Harry nearly started to cry again. He was so relieved. But then Mrs. Balmer started to talk to him.

"Harry, I really couldn't care less as to why you were late, but please try not to be again. Also I wanted to ask you... how your tutoring with Louis has been going?"

"Actually it is going really well, and I think that I'm slowly starting to figure things out."

"That is good to hear, and it is also being reflected on your grade! I am proud of you and glad to see you trying! Now go, I don't want to make you late for your next class."

"Thank you!" Harry answered as he walked out the door.


Walking home, Harry was disappointed in his past self for not driving to school, but he thought to himself that he could use some fresh air. He had also forgotten his earbuds so he was forced to listen to the outdoors. It was actually pretty nice and calming. He turned down his street, then all of a sudden, heard a car coming towards him. Harry's street was pretty quiet and not a lot of people drove down it. 

That means it could only be one person. 

Harry was right. He turned around to see Liam's car driving towards him. Great, he's at the top of Harry's list of people he absolutely does not want to see. As the car started getting closer to him, Harry noticed that Liam was not alone. 

Of course it would be Nick in the car with him.

Earlier, Harry kind of missed Liam, but now those feelings were shoved to the side right as the car approached him. Liam was not only with Nick, but Liam was... happy. 

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