chapter forty-seven

28 3 21

published on june 30, 2021

⚠️ tw: homophobic father alert 😒 🤢 ⚠️

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Three weeks later

"Baby I'm so proud of you! My boyfriend is going to be London's next best football player and I'm going to be there to cheer him on!" Louis said, giggling into the phone.

Harry had just got home from school and was laying on his bed, talking to Louis.

"Thanks love, but I'm not trying out till next week and I probably won't even make the team," Harry replied, laughing.

"Harry have some faith in yourself," Louis laughed out. "Plus, you are an amazing football player so I know you'll make it and you'll look good doing it. But make sure that you don't look too good, because I don't wanna have to go over there and beat a few people up. Believe me, I will NOT hesitate."

"Don't worry, I'll just tell them my very scary boyfriend-" Harry said sarcastically and heard Louis chuckle. "-is not afraid to come and throw some hands. If they do look, you have nothing to worry about because they'd probably just pass away from all of my beauty."

"I'm sure they would," Harry could practically hear Louis rolling his eyes. "And throw some hands? Really Harry? You could have said something cooler, like start a rumble." Harry could hear Louis cracking himself up on the other end.

"Oh yeah, like that is much better," Harry said sarcastically.

"But really, it's not like I'd be looking back because I have everything that I could have ever asked for," Harry said with a smile spreading across his lips.

"And so do I...even if that was as cheesy as hell," Louis replied proudly.

Harry giggled then suddenly blurted out, "Guess what!" 

"What?!" Louis asked, giggling again, and Harry could tell that Louis was actually happy.

"I actually made friends, Lou! And they aren't just being nice to me since I'm the new kid, because we've actually hung out in the three weeks I've been here!" Harry laughed at how pathetic he sounded. "There the same people I was telling you about when I first got here.  You know, Finn, Leo, Isla, Sophia; all of them!"

"I told you," Louis laughed softly and Harry just knew he had the brightest smile on his face - even though he couldn't see it. "Everything is going to be just fine."

"That it is," Harry replied, feeling content in that moment.

They both went silent and Harry smiled up at the ceiling. He imagined that Louis was doing the same in his own bed. All of a sudden, there was a loud sigh coming from Louis' line.

"I just wish I could see you in person. You know like all I want to do is see your smile and hear your laugh, I want to see that sparkle in your eyes, I want to touch you curls, I want to give you the biggest hug, and most of all... I just wanna kiss you," Louis said, his voice trailing off at the end. Harry almost squealed, but he forced himself to keep quiet.

It went quiet for a second before Harry said, "Louis I have to tell you something, but you need to promise me that you won't tell anyone."

"Umm, sure! I promise," Louis responded, a little confused.

"Okay so this was supposed to be a surprise, but I can't keep it from you any longer. "

"Just tell me already! I promise I won't tell anyone," Louis whined.

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