chapter forty-three

51 3 19

published on june 7, 2021


long chapter ahead !

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Harry woke up Wednesday morning and got ready for his last day of school at home. Anne told him that he didn't have to go on Thursday or Friday so he could prepare to move. Louis told him that he would pick him up for school and he was going to spend the next couple of nights with him. Harry was excited to spend this time with Louis, but it also reminded him that he wouldn't get to very soon.

Harry got ready for the day and headed downstairs. He ate a bowl of cereal then wrote Anne a note, as she was not up yet.


Good morning! 

Louis picked me up for school and he will be spending the next couple of nights here. Have a good day and try not to let yourself get into your head. I love you so much and will see you when I get home.

-Harry Xxx :)

He drew some little hearts on the note then folded it in half and left it on the table. He went upstairs to brush his teeth then realized that Louis should be there any minute. Harry grabbed his lunch that his sister made for him out of the fridge then threw on his boots. Once he was finished with everything, Harry stared out the window, waiting to see Louis' familiar jeep roll into the driveway.

Soon enough, Louis pulled into the driveway and Harry headed out the door. Louis smiled at him and Harry smiled back as he got into the passenger's seat.

"Good morning Hazza!" Louis leaned over and pressed his lips to Harry's for a quick kiss.

Harry giggled a little and said, "Good morning Chop Suey!" against Louis' lips.

Both boys pulled away, smiling like fools and fawning over each other. Little giggles escaped their lips. Neither were really sure why or what they were laughing about, but when they were together they were always happier.

"Are you ready for school, love?" Louis asked as he drove down the road.

Harry still blushed at the pet name. "Yeah, it's going to be a lot of packing though. I need to empty out my locker and get stuff from the teachers to give to the school I have to go to in London."

Louis looked over at Harry and grabbed his hand, before turning back to look at the road. "If you need anything or you just want to talk at all throughout the day, please just text me and we can talk or something. You promise you'll text?"

"I promise."

Harry looked over at Louis and could feel a smile spreading across his lips. Louis was focused on the road, but would still give Harry's hand an occasional squeeze. They got to school and Harry took a deep breath before getting out of the car. Louis noticed and gave him a reassuring smile.

Harry put his arm around Louis' waist as they walked into the building. A couple of Harry friends gave him little smiles as Louis rested his head on Harry's shoulder. As they walked into the door, they heard a familiar voice behind them.


Both Louis and Harry turned around and saw Niall waving at them from his locker. Harry heard Louis laugh next to him and he joined in too. The pair headed over to Niall's locker. "There's my favorite couple!" Niall smiled, but turned around and looked at the people walking through the hallway. "Don't tell Liam or Zayn that I call you guys my favorite."

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