chapter thirty-three

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published on april 26, 2021

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Harry did not get any sleep last night, and it was now six in the morning. The first day back to school after holiday was always awful, but now it was even worse. Not to mention they always had to go back on Mondays. 

Ever since he got home from what was one of the best moments of his life to now, everything had completely changed. Louis won't talk to him and Harry is pissed at himself. But he also had to find his mum a job. Harry decided that today after school he was going to search everywhere he can to help get Anne employed somewhere. Anywhere.

Yesterday (Sunday) Liam called Harry and asked him what the hell happened between him and Louis. Liam said that he was on the phone with Zayn, and Louis just showed up at his house crying. That made Harry feel even worse for yelling at him. Harry didn't even mean to yell at him, he was just feeling all of these emotions and they all came out at once. All day yesterday, Harry could not get the image of Louis, just sitting on his bed with arms wrapped around his body and that look on his face, out of his head. Right as had Harry spoken up, Louis looked as if a giant wave of pain washed across his face.

All Louis was trying to do was help him, but in the heat of the moment Harry could not see that. Harry wished he could go back in time to make his life right again. He wanted his mum to still have a job, a dad that actually cared about him, Louis to talk to him, and what he really wanted was to be cuddled up in his boyfriend's arms right now.

Harry shook these thoughts out of his head as he got into the steaming shower. It wasn't until he was getting in when Harry realized that he was crying. Something about crying in the shower just felt so good. Maybe it was because his tears got mixed in with the water droplets and it was like he wasn't crying at all. He finally got ready for the day and went downstairs.

His house was completely dead. Gemma had left a note saying that she had an early class and already left and Anne was sitting on the couch, staring at the TV with a cup of tea in her hand. Harry could tell that she wasn't watching the program that was on, though. 

He was already running ten minutes late, so he grabbed a protein bar out of the cabinet. Harry went over and gave his mum the biggest hug, then whispered a quick 'love you' into her ear. Anne told him that she loved him too, then Harry headed out to his car.

Harry headed over to Liam's house to pick him up for school. Liam was 100% capable of driving himself to school but Harry had always been the one to pick him. So he went over to Liam's house still half asleep. Harry remembered that they had football practice today after school and luckily his bag was in the backseat. At least one thing went his way for once.

"Good morning lad!" Liam said, jumping into the passenger's seat of Harry's car.

"Morning," Harry mumbled back.

"Talk to me," said Liam, staring at Harry. They were still sitting in the Payne's driveway.

"What?" Harry question.

"Tell me everything that's going on. Don't leave out anything important."

"Fine...well you already know about my mum getting fired. I need to find her a new job and I'm scared. We all relied so heavily on her job and now that it's gone, I have no clue what is going to happen. Then, of course, there is the fact that Louis is acting as if I don't exist."

"It can't be that bad Harry. He's probably just mad and confused right now, but he will understand where you came from. Give him some time."

"Liam, I can't even begin to explain to him how sorry I am because he won't talk to me. I mean he has every right not to; I was a complete jerk to him for no reason. But it has been two days and I need him. It actually hasn't even been two days but I bloody miss him. It's going to be so awkward to see him today. But I mean he probably won't even acknowledge me, so it shouldn't be that bad."

the spaces between us  ➳  larry stylinsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora