chapter ten

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published on march 29, 2021

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Harry had a feeling that it was going to be one of those days that just seemed to never end. He actually did not sleep through his alarm this morning, but maybe that is why he was so tired. It took him about 20 minutes to pick out a shirt, then when he finally did, just a couple of seconds later, he got toothpaste on it. Then he burnt his toast because usually his mum made it for him. He thought that he could handle doing it himself but apparently not. She seemed so distracted lately and it was bugging Harry that he didn't know what was up.

Liam had drove with Niall today to school, so Harry went by himself. A part of him wanted to ask Louis if he needed a ride but he got too scared. Also if Louis had said no it would have put him in an even worse mood. So it was probably for the better that he just went by himself. It was kind of warm out and Harry only lived a 12 minutes walk from school, so he thought that maybe if he walked to school it would make him feel a little better. Harry breathed in feeling his chest go up and down trying to clear his mind.

As walked through the hallway he said little hellos to random people as they said hi to him. But he only wanted to say hi to one blue eyed boy. The hallways were so loud and chaotic but he could make out one voice and one voice only. 

Of course that voice had belonged to Louis. 

Harry was opening his locker as he heard Zayn and Louis' conversation. Louis' locker was a couple down from Harry's, so he could hear them pretty clearly through all the noise. It was like Harry somehow blocked out everything.

Well, everything but Louis.

"I don't know why he is like this. Isn't he like this to everyone?" Louis sounded sad.

"I don't know Lou, but that's no excuse. Where were you when he said that?" Zayn said in a very serious tone.

Who could they be talking about? 

Well he did have one person in mind...

Harry was putting random things in his locker and taking out his books for his first couple of classes.

"Well I was in the bathroom then he came in and just started to say how stupid and fat my clothes made me look, then how short I was and how no one literally no one likes me."

Right then Harry heard Louis' voice crack and he whipped around his head to face him. Louis was doing his best to hold it in, but then a single tear streamed down his face and he looked in Harry's direction. He wiped it away then headed to the bathroom, and Zayn followed him. 

All Harry wanted to do was hold him in his arms and comfort him. He had the sudden urge to barge into that bathroom, give Louis the biggest hug, and tell him that all of those things were nowhere near true. But he stopped himself knowing it would just make everything awkward between them. Louis looked like an angel and there was nothing that could make Harry think otherwise. Yes Louis wore oversized clothes, but really what was wrong with that? He looked so cuddly and soft all the time. And his hair... all Harry wanted to do was run his fingers through it. Not only was his hair the definition of fluffy and sort of resembled a hedgehog, but it also smelt like strawberries. 

Louis was an angel sent down from heaven and he didn't even realize it.

Just then, the very person that said all of those things just happened to show up next to Harry, with Liam by his side.

 He felt a tap on his shoulder and whipped his head around to face Nick. Harry knew that it was Nick that said all of those awful things to Louis.

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