chapter fifty

44 3 35

published on july 23, 2021

a chapter in honor of the 11 year anniversary 😌

happy 11 years of one direction

even tho liam and louis were the only ones out of the boys that posted anything about it-

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Harry reread the song for about the fifth time, seeing Louis staring at him through his peripheral vision.

"D-do you like it? Shit you hate it, don't you? I knew it was stupid and the lyrics make no sense-" Louis went on, but was interrupted by Harry's lips. His eyes widened slightly, then softly closed. Harry's hand was lightly resting on Louis' cheek while the other was clutching the paper with the song on it.

Harry gently pulled away and looked right into Louis' eyes. He would be lying if he said he wasn't about to cry. 

"Louis, this is the most heartfelt, personal, and beautiful gift I've ever gotten. I- I don't know what to say... you seriously wrote this all? Lou, I love it more than anything," Harry said, his eyes scanning the paper once more as he took in the lyrics.

Louis' eyes crinkled at the sides and he smiled wide. "I was scared you wouldn't like it or understand it. I've been working on it for a little while now. I feel like it explains our relationship. Remember what I told you before you left for your dad's?"

"Love is only for the brave," both Louis and Harry said at the same time. Louis nodded his head and grabbed Harry's hand. Harry rubbed his eyes with his free hand; he didn't realize that he had started crying. 

This piece of paper was more than just any old song. It was a symbol of what Louis and Harry were going through. It was the confusion, the joy, and the hardships of finding your true self and feeling proud of who you are. It explained the courage it takes to come out and finally being confident and free to love whoever you want. Harry realized that Louis' couldn't have written it any better.

Love really is only for the brave.

Harry looked back up at Louis and saw that his baby blue eyes were filled with tears that were threatening to spill down his face. He blinked a few times, his eyelashes fluttering, to try and stop them from falling. A single tear trickled down his cheek as he smiled Harry, their hands still interlaced with each other. Harry wiped away the tear and pressed his lips to Louis' once more.

"I love you," Harry said as he separated their lips.

"I love you," Louis responded. "Always and forever."

Harry pulled Louis in and kissed him again. Louis smiled against Harry's lips and cupped his cheeks with his hands. Harry wished that he could just stay in this moment forever. There was something about Louis that made Harry feel so safe and content whenever he was in his arms. 

Harry kissed his boyfriend back passionately, but wished that time would stand still for a minute - just so Harry could enjoy the little time he had left with Louis before he had to leave once again.


Harry was woken up by the bright sunlight streaming through his bedroom. He squinted his eyes and blinked numerously, trying to clear the sleep out of them. He looked to his side and saw that Louis wasn't lying next to him anymore. 

He shot his head up and scanned his room, wondering where Louis was. His eyes finally landed on him; Louis was in front of the big window in Harry's room, looking out of it dreamily with his chin propped up by his elbows. His eyes were half open, half closed and Harry could see that Louis had a tiny grin on his face.

the spaces between us  ➳  larry stylinsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang