chapter forty-one

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published on may 17, 2021

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"Hawwee, what colo' d'you want?" Daisy asked.

"You should pick bue, it is Lou's favowite colo'," Phoebe cut in.

"Okay - blue it is!" Harry laughed.

Harry was sitting at the twins' desk in their room while they painted his nails. Louis was downstairs helping his other sisters with their homework. Louis and Harry had got home from school a couple of hours ago and cuddled on the couch while they waited for the girls to come home. Jay was at work so Harry thought he would help Louis with the girls, and he wanted to spend time with his boyfriend.

Harry couldn't help but laugh at how concentrated the girls were on painting his nails. Any time one of them would get nail polish on his skin, they would rush to get the nail polish remover and get it off as fast as possible. As they painted, they were telling Harry about their day.

The girls complained about how one of their teachers wasn't there and they had a substitute. Phoebe was mad that her class was not behaving and now they are going to be yelled at by their real teacher tomorrow.

"You're just like your brother," Harry said, gaining a glare from Phoebe.


"He'd be worrying about the class getting in trouble too," replied Harry with a fond grin growing upon his lips.

"Hey! Mm' not wowwying," Phoebe said, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, whatever you say," joked Harry.

"I am big and stwong." Phoebe put down the nail polish to flex her muscles. "I can take the teacha yellin' at my class."

"I'm sure you can... but I don't know if I would consider you big."

Phoebe crossed her arms and faced her back to Harry. "Hey! Wude," she said, pretending to be serious but a couple of giggles ended up escaping her lips. Harry couldn't keep a straight face either and found it funny and adorable that the twins had a hard time pronouncing their r's.

Harry winked and picked up Phoebe, beginning to twirl her around the room. They were both laughing, but Daisy started pulling at Harry's arm.


Harry put down Phoebe and sat back down at the desk. "I am so sorry." He bowed his head at Daisy. "Do you forgive me?"

She rolled her eyes and said. "I guess... you awe just wucky they did not get messed up."

Harry laughed and let the girls finish painting his nails. They did surprisingly good, even though it did take them forty-five minutes.

"What are you guys doing?"

Harry turned his head around to see Louis standing in the doorway with the brightest smile on his face. The girls ran over to him, pulling Harry behind them. "We painted Hawwee's nails! Wook! Wook!" They yelled, grabbing Harry's hand.

Louis took Harry's hand and admired the nail polish.  His eyes widened and a huge smile grew on his lips. "They look so good, girls!"

They both smiled proudly and pushed Louis and Harry out of their room. Louis and Harry went into Louis' room and sat down on his bed.

"How did the homework go?" Harry asked as Louis sat down on his lap and cuddled up to his chest.

"It was fine; they pretty much got it after a little bit of explaining. Fizzy went to her friends and Lottie is in her room," Louis explained. He took ahold of Harry's hand again and looked at his nails. "You should paint your nails more often."

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