chapter eight

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published on march 28, 2021

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Harry woke up the next morning to the loud sound of Liam snoring. Harry was used to his snoring, but today it was a lot louder than usual. But honestly that didn't surprise Harry because they had been outside for most of the day yesterday, and Liam does have pretty bad allergies. Harry rolled over on his bed and saw Liam passed out on the floor on an air mattress. He kind of looked like a puppy when he slept.

Harry reached for his phone and almost fell out of his bed when he felt a hand reach over and slap him. "Jesus Liam, I swear you were sound asleep like 2 seconds ago."

Liam just looked up at him from the floor with a smirk on his face. His hair was going in every direction possible and eyes still looked tired. "I know what you're doing."

"Reaching for my phone?" Harry questioned, brows furrowed.

"Well duh, but you're seeing if Louis texted you," Liam said while rubbing his eyes.

"Maybe and what if I am?"

"Mate, you two texted all day yesterday. I mean I'm happy that you're happy and you are finally talking to him, but you were on your phone all day and ignored me. Except for when you finally put it down for a couple hours to play football, eat, and watch a movie - which you were on your phone for part of. Don't get me wrong I love your mum, but I had a better conversation with her yesterday then I did with you at one point." Liam looked pretty hurt.

Harry had been so excited to be talking to Louis he completely forgot about Liam. Harry felt so bad and had to make it up to him. But he just did not know how. Harry had no clue what to say, Liam was right he only spent time with for a couple of hours.

"I'm so sorry Liam. You're right; I was a complete idiot and didn't even acknowledge you for most of the day. How about today I won't even text Louis and if I do you can yell at me, okay?"

"Fine I guess, but if you ignore me again you do not know what's coming for you, Styles."

"Sure Li," Harry said while laughing.

He sat on his bed for a couple of minutes while Liam just laid on the air mattress. They were talking about their dreams, and then somehow got to the topic of football, which led to them deciding to go to the pitch today to get in some extra practice. Liam got up from the ground and started to head to the bathroom.

On the way out the door he said "Ugh, just look at your phone. I know it's killing you."

"Thank you!" Harry replied, smiling up at Liam.

As Liam left, Harry grabbed his phone off his nightstand. He had a bunch of notifications from different friends and apps but he was only looking for one. Then when he saw that he had gotten a message from "Lou ☀️" his heart started to beat very fast. There go the butterflies again. They weren't as bad as when he made eye contact with Louis, but they were there. Harry opened it and his heart almost leaped out of his chest.

Lou☀️: Good Morning Harry! 🐸

This boy. He made Harry the happiest person in the world just by sending a text. Louis said that the frog emoji was growing on him, and he would now send it to Harry all the time. Harry just sat in his bed for a couple of seconds staring at his phone and smiling like a fool.

Hazza: Good Morning Louis! ❤️


Harry just sent Louis a heart. He didn't even mean to; he meant to send the frog one back to him but they just happened to be right next to each other in his frequently used. Now Louis is going to think that he is a creep that goes around sending hearts to people. What if Louis puts together that Harry likes him... like likes him likes him. Thank god right then Liam walked back into his room.

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