chapter thirty-seven

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published on may 5, 2021

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Harry woke up the next morning with a smile still prominent on his face. He decided to only think about the whole Louis thing in a good way. Harry got up at 9:30 and headed downstairs for breakfast. He was surprised to see that no one was home. There was a note on the fridge that said Anne and Gemma would be gone the whole day. 

Harry pulled a box of Cheerios and a bowl out of the cabinet, along with milk from the fridge. While eating his cereal, Harry decided that today he was just going to stay at home. He was supposed to go to football practice today but he just was not feeling up to it and he had not missed a practice yet this year. Hopefully Coach Franklin wouldn't be too mad.

After breakfast, Harry sat on the couch for a little bit. He threw a blanket over him and rested his eyes a little, still thinking of the party last night.

Harry ended up falling asleep till 2:30 and figured that he should probably go do something. After making himself a sandwich as a late lunch and eating it, he trotted upstairs and put on a pair of gray sweatpants and a black sweatshirt. Once he was finally dressed and ready to go, Harry had no clue what to do. He didn't feel like actually going anywhere, so he decided to just walk and see where his feet took him.

As he walked down the street, different thoughts floated in and out of his head. Harry was not really paying attention to where he was going; he just kept walking. After he walked for about 45 minutes Harry ended up at the park where he and Louis had their first and only date. Harry wandered around the path and ended up at the pond that they sat at.

He found a bench by a couple of trees that looked out at the pond. Harry took a seat and looked out at the ducks swimming around and fishing for food. There were a couple of rocks by his feet so Harry picked them up and threw them in, careful not to hit any of the ducks. He watched the ripples that the rocks created as they plopped into the water.

Harry could still not get last night out of his head. After everything that had happened with Louis, Harry realized that he never made sure that Liam got home alright. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed his number. Liam picked up right away.

"Hey H! What's going on?" Liam said into the phone, but immediately regretted how loud he said it. Harry heard him sigh and grunt into the phone.

"Hungover are ya?" Harry laughed into the phone but tried to stay quiet for Liam's sake.

"A little; I have a massive headache at the moment."

"I wonder why!" Harry said sarcastically into the phone.

"Yeah, yeah whatever," Harry could practically hear Liam rolling his eyes. "Anyway, what's up?"

"I just wanted to make sure that you were still alive and stuff."

"Wow that is very considerate of you Harry!" Liam giggled a little to himself after he said that.

"Well, aren't you going to tell me what happened after I left?" asked Harry, even though he could probably guess what went down last night.

"Oh well, I drank a lot and danced a little. Then apparently I started making out with Zayn. I don't remember any of that part sadly, but I found a video on my phone. I ended up going home with Zayn and I slept over his house and before you ask we JUST slept. Then I woke up this morning and we hung out all day. Now I'm sitting in my bed, talking to you."

"Wow Li, what a night!" Harry said, sounding as sarcastic as possible. "I'm glad that you had fun though."

Liam laughed into the phone and asked "What did you do?"

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