Chapter 24: I Wanna Make You Feel Wanted

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Heyyheyhey everyone!!! :)) Here's chappie 24 for yall. ❤ So first off, I know that Wanted by Hunter Hayes is a country songg, but the lyrics are good for this situation, & I just really love that song! :D So just for this, imagine it as a non-country song? Hahaha okay anywho's, I hope you all enjoy this chappie! I worked hard as always. I honestly think it could've been a bit better, but oh well! I hope you all love it as always(: REMEMBER TO VOTE AND COMMENT AND FAN ME LOVELIES.❤ Btw, this is mostly a #Kriston chappie!! C:

*Sorry for any grammar or punctuation errors* Also, I think this book will have at least 30 chapters, but it depends on which ending plot I wanna roll with. So it may be 30, or much more!! Okay, enough of my rambling. Enjoy the next chapterrr! :3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 


*Scarlet's POV*

Caitlyn's cheer competition is in a week now, and the boys and I are really excited to go. I'd have to say that I'm the most excited though, since I've never been to one yet and it looks really exciting.

She's been having practices with her team, Netro Elite, everyday for an hour or so, just to make sure that everything's perfect. I already know they'll do perfectly fine. I just know it.

I feel like absolute crap though right now. Ever since I woke up this morning I've thrown up so many times that I can't even count, and my mood has been changing so much it's not even funny. I actually think that I yelled at Keaton earlier for staying with me in bed trying to make me feel better, and then I started crying when he left to make me happy.

I just hope that I feel better by Saturday. Otherwise I won't be able to see Caitlyn cheer, and I'll feel horrible for saying I was gunna go and then not.

"Hey baby Scar, I just came up to see how you are feeling. Do you need anything?"

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a familiar voice that followed after a quick knock on the bedroom door. I looked up and seen Wes standing in the doorway, staring at me with a small smile on his face.

I gave him a weak smile and sighed. "No, I'm okay, Wes. Thankyou though."

"Are you sure you don't need anything?"

I slowly nodded, snuggling deeper into the covers. Of course I'm not sure. I'd do anything for a back massage right now, plus a big bowl of grapes, but I'm not gunna bother him and the boys with that right now. All because I'm sick doesn't mean that I'm going to have them wasting there time on taking care of me. They have their own lives too.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I just want to sleep right now," I lied smoothly, hoping that he couldn't see right through me at the moment. He usually could tell when I was lying-all of the boys could. Thankfully, I've gotten better at lying smoothly, and so I'm praying that it worked just now.

It must of worked or he didn't want to argue with me right now, because he just sighed and gave in. "Okay. If you need anything, just holler at us."

"Okay, I will."

After a second, he gave me one last small smile before he turned around and headed downstairs, leaving me alone in a silenced room. I was lonely, sick, and all I wanted was to have these babies out of me already.

I mean, I am really thankful for them and such, but I just really hate going through pregnancy. It's a bitch, and it's not even that bad yet. Just imagine how much more painful it'll be when I have to deliver both of them. Oh god. Lord please help me. 

I was distracted from my thoughts once more when my stomach churned, and the all too familiar feeling of nausea swept through me.

i said you are all i need, yeah // k.s.Where stories live. Discover now