Chapter 28

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When I started coming back around I was severely aware of what was going on around me but couldnt open my eyes just yet. Whatever was in that dart had packed a punch and it wasn't like waking up from sleep.

I used my other senses to try and make sense of the situation. I was in a moving vehicle and I was still in my wolf form. There was something around my muzzle, binding it closed and my front legs were bound together, as were my back legs. There was also something around my neck, like a collar but it wasnt attached to anything.

There were muffled voices I could hear coming from the front of the vehicle. In my human form I wouldnt have been able to make out what they were saying, but my wolf ears could.

"We have the girl. She is knocked out but will require another dose soon. The collar is on so she won't be able to change forms. We will update you when we are nearly there" the male voice said and then there was a click thay sounded like he had been talming over a radio.

Okay, so Hydra has me. I need to figure out where I am and where theyre taking me, I thought to myself.

I was pretty sure I was in the back of the vehicle alone so I snuck a peek around me, but didn't move.

There were no windows back there but there was a little bit of light coming from around the edge of the partition between the drivers seats and the back of the van where I was. The light looked artificial so I assumed it was still very early in the morning.

We came to a stop and i heard both the doors at the front open. The two people walked around the back of the van and opened the doors.

A low angry growl started up in the back of my throat.

"Dont try anything stupid" the same male voice from earlier said and I moved my head moved to look at my captors.

They both had male builds but they were wearing masks so I couldn't make out much more than that.

A small sharp pain shot into the thigh area of my exposed back leg and then thr same sluggish feeling overcame me again and the drugs took hold and knocked me back out.


I was woken from the drugs when I felt myself being physically moved around. There were multiple hands on me, dragging me out the back of the van.

I groaned from how groggy the drugs had made me feel and the hands stopped moving me for a second.

"Dont try anything or we will inject you again" the same male voice said and when all i did was open my eyes, they carried on dragging me out onto a table with wheels.

I didnt want to be drugged again so I didnt move my head much but i saw ten Hydra agents around me, working to move me.

They wheeled me into a large building and down various hallways until we reached a hallway with what looked like prison cells on.

They put me in one of them and hooked a chain onto the collar around my neck and unbound my legs and mouth.

I backed myself into the furthest corner away from them and growled, but they werent staying anyway and left and locked me in.

I looked down at the chain on my collar and it was bolted to the back wall near where I was. There was a bowl of water and a literal dog bed next to it.

I thought back to in the van when the agent had said the collar wouldnt allow me to change forms. Regardless, I tried to change back but i couldn't. In fact, i couldnt use any of my magic with this collar on. I was expected to be staying in this form.

I realised how parched I was and moved over to the bowl of water and sniffed at it. It didn't smell funny and I reasoned that if they wanted to kill me, they'd have done it already, so I drank up.

I went to see what i could see outside my cell but the chain pulled taut before i could reach the bars.

I turned and growled at the chain, like it would magically pop off if i told it off.

When the realisation hit that I was completely trapped, my heart sank and I let out a sad, emotional howl to the sky and moved over to the bed and curled myself into the smallest ball and cried. I was alone and scared in the hands of bad people and in that moment, there was nothing I could do about it.

The God and the ShifterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang