Chapter 57

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"Hey Tony, im back!" I called out my presence as the last time I scared him

"Hey kid, you see our guy?" He asked looking up from one of the Hydra weapons he was studying.

"Well, about that. I actually talked to him on that first day you sent me out" I admitted sheepishly

"Why didn't you say?" Tony asked annoyed that Id taken so long to tell him.

"Well, he is just a boy, fifteen called Peter Parker and he asked me not to tell anyone who he was. He goes by Spider Man as his hero name. I told him id have to tell you eventually and today I said id tell you about him" I explained. I wasnt ashamed that I hadnt said anything sooner and I showed it.

"He's fifteen? And he is out fighting criminals?" Tony asked blatantly not happy about Peters age.

"He's a really nice kid. That stuff we saw him swinging on in the video is a synthetic web formula that he made himself and he made the device he uses to shoot the web" I carried on explaining to Tony.

"But he's fifteen!" Tony growled

"He is more than capable of looking after himself and he has my number if he ever needs help. Also, can you do me a favour? I need a laptop. Hes got this ancient looking computer to do his homework on. I want to give him a Stark laptop to show we are all friendly" I asked of Tony giving him the puppy dog eyes

He glared at me and walked off somewhere into the lab and came back after a few seconds and handed me a laptop and charger. "Here, you can give him this one"

"Thank you Tony" I said in sing song and gave him a peck on the cheek before leaving him to his work, grumbling about the puppy dog eyes again which made me grin to myself.

I went up to the kitchen to grab a sandwich and join the others in the lounge before I go and give Peter the laptop.

"So, who is this other super here in New York?" Cap asked when i sat down next to Bucky

"Well, his superhero name is Spider Man" I grinned. "His real name is Peter"

"And he isn't dangerous?" Bucky asked protectively

"Nah, he's just a school kid vigilante trying to make his neighborhood a safer place" I shrugged while I ate my sandwich. "He's sweet"

"How did you find him?" Pietro asked

"Tony saw some videos on YouTube that someone had taken of Spider Man doing his hero thing and asked me to look into it" I explained

"And what's the laptop for?" Cap asked

"Peace offering. My idea" i replied and dusted my hands off after finishing my sandwich. "Im going to go and drop it off to him now"

I put the laptop and charger in my handbag and thanked wherever my powers came from that anything on my person shifts when i change form and headed back over to Peters place.

I didnt go up to his window when I got there as I had a plan. I sent him a text saying "Play along" and knocked on his door.

Aunt May answered "Hello?"

"Mrs Parker?" I asked politely

"Yes, that's me" she answered me

"Hello, my name is Liz and I work for Stark Industries. I was wondering if Peter was in?" I smiled

"Oh yes, come in" she beckoned me to come inside as she called Peter to come down stairs.

As Peter came down the stairs his eyes shifted to me quickly but didnt look too startled.

"Hi Peter, im Liz. I work for Stark Industries" I said and stuck my hand out for him to shake.

He took it and gave me a confused look. "Nice to meet you"

"I came to inform you that you won the competition for most inventive tech idea and came to give you your prize" I lied through my teeth and took the laptop and charger out of my bag and handed it to him.

"Oh! That! Thank you very much!" He grinned to me

"I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend and keep up your school work. You'll get far in life" I smiled and made my way back to the front door with Aunt May. "It was nice to meet you Mrs Parker" and I left the Parker residence and headed back home.

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