Chapter 59

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When I arrived at Peters school I flew over to the gym where I knew he had his PE lesson going on and landed on one of the high windows and looked in.

The class were working on climbing the various ladders around the hall which made me grin. I knew they'd be easy for Peter.

I had gotten to learn that he had increased senses and strength as well as being able to stick to surfaces but he tried not to show it too much to people. He didnt want his abilities to be noticed by the people around him

I noticed that their teacher was no where to be seen and that horrible boy Flash was standing next to where Peter and Ned were sat on a mat on the floor.

Flash was your typical popular lad that thought he was better than everyone around him and it got right under my skin. I had an aversion to people like that. The ones that picked on and bullied the nerds because they were threatened by their intelligence. That was usually the case although those types of people would never admit it.

I focused on the three boys to see what was going on. It was never good when Flash was around.

"Youd have been better off if youd have died with your mom and dad" I heard Flash snicker to Peter and recieved chckles from a few other people around him. Peters face dropped and I saw the composure he was trying to keep.

I, on the other hand, lost my shit. Having no parents of my own and for a long time by this point made that comment really piss me off. Dead parents werent something to joke about, let alone bully someone about.

I flew down to the open door and transformed myself into my cat form and without a second thought I sprinted for Flash. He barely saw me coming.

I leapt at his chest with a hiss and a growl but he saw me when it was too late.

I landed on my mark and dug my claws into him, clinging to his chest and he let out the girliest scream I had ever heard come from a male.

I swiped at his chest and jumped off and retreated towards Peter, taking a stance infront of him facing Flash. I arched my back and hissed at Flash. He ran off screaming for his teacher about a rabid cat that attacked him.

When I was sure Flash was gone i turned to look at a shocked Peter. He was just staring at me. I dont think it had clicked in his head that it was me as he hadn't seen my cat form by that point

I meowed at him and rubbed my face against his arm and he whispered "Liz?"

I meowed again in return to let him know it was me and jumped on his lap and a small grin appeared on his face

"Where did the cat come from?" Ned asked from next to him on the floor. "Its one badass cat"

I meowed at Neds compliment and  brushed my face against his arm and he scratched me between the ears which started off a purr in my chest.

"Go on, kitty, get out before you get in trouble" Peter smirked at me as he picked me up and put me on the floor next to him facing the open door. I meowed to him again and sprinted off out the door before I indeed got in trouble and shifted to the blue jay before flying off back home

When I arrived back home I saw I had a text from Peter

That was awesome Liz! Thanks!

I chuckled to myself. Bullies really pissed me off and I couldn't stand by and watch as Flash said such horrible things to one of the sweetest people i had the honour of knowing.

I hope I didnt get you in trouble

I replied, worried that he might have some how been connected to me. He replied instantly

Nah, no one suspects anything

I grinned to myself again as i headded down the hallway to my room to curl up on my sofa with a book

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