Chapter 30

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The next few days, maybe a week? (I lost count after day three) were spent doing that same thing over and over again. I was fed in the morning before training and after when I got back to my cell and the lack of food was starting to take its toll on me. Those three men were also the only ones I came into contact with the whole time.

Every now and then I spotted people in the viewing room on the other side of the glass watching us as I trained with the padded man. I was also shocked at least once a day whether I did anything to deserve it or not and it was horrible. It made me feel sick every time it happened and my neck was constantly sore where the pins were making contact with my skin.

One morning when my handler had come to get me, he didnt take me down the normal halls we usually took to get to the training room, he took me somewhere else. Down other halls, into an elevator and we went down some levels. I noticed that to access this elevator the man had to use his finger print and that sent a shiver through me and danger alarms were going off in my head.

When we stepped off the elevator we walked down the hall and entered a lab where the few people occupying it were wearing lab coats.

Oh god, what are they going to do to me?!

My handler chained me to a post in the middle of the room and told me to sit down, so I did.

"Hello, wolf girl" a bald guy in a lab coat said to me and I turned to look at him

Wolf girl?

"Im Dr Schneider. Im going to put this on your head and you are going to shift into the animal I tell you to" he said and put some weird contraption on my head and buckled it under my chin. He took the remote from my handler and pressed a button, but the collar didnt shock me and I felt some of my magic flow back through my body. It wasnt much, but it was there. "Shift into anything other than what I tell you to and you get shocked. First, shift into a cat"

So I complied and shifted to cat form. I was surprised to find out both the collar and the thing on my head changed size to fit the form I had shifted to.

"Now a mouse"

So I did as I was told again. He looked at the computer he had moved closer to and made some notes and looked back at the monitor.

"Now a rabbit"

"Guinea pig"


By now I could feel the strain on my magic and knew it was going to take a lot of effort to continue shifting forms.

"Monkey" this shift took a few more seconds than the others had and the Dr made a note in the book he had been writing in. He continued to list animals, all smaller and more benign ones, but they all took a little longer to shift to than the last.

By the time it was taking me more than 30 seconds to shift, the Dr told me to shift back to wolf form and pressed the button on the remote again. I felt the connection to my magic sever as I was panting in exhaustion.

"I'll see you tomorrow, wolf" he said and handed the remote back to my handler and I was taken back to my cell. I ended up falling to sleep without eating that night as I was that exhausted.

The following days were more of the same thing, shifting to multiple forms. It was always the same forms in the same order but when Dr Schneider saw that I was completing the shifts in a shorter time, he added more to the list.

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