Chapter 47

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This time upon touching the glowing part of the the sceptre I heard Bruce's voice in my head.

Can you hear me? He asked

"Yes" I replied with my voice

Can you try and reply in my head too? He asked

I can try, I thought

I can hear you too, he replied in my head

"Okay, you can take your hand off it now" Bruce said out loud.

"What happened?" Tony asked as he didn't hear anything while Bruce and I were talking in our minds.

"We talked to each other. Like how Loki can with his magic" I grinned, happy to have been of help to the two scientists.

"Fascinating" Tony murmured to himself looking at the coputer screen again. "Look at this, Bruce"

Bruce walked over to Tony and had a look at the computer. "Amazing!" He said and I went to look too, even though I probably would have no clue what I was looking at.

"It looks like a brain" I said under my breath when i looked at the computer screen and the two men turned to me with confused looks on their faces. "What? I might not be as smart as you two but I was a bit of a nerd in school" I laughed at the amazement on their faces.

"Well, yes, you are correct. It looks like impulses being sent by the brain" Bruce agreed with my comment.

"What does it mean?" I asked

"I have no idea but we will find out" Tony answered me. "Youre welcome to stay and assist" he offered and thats how I became the new lab assistant.

Working with Tony and Bruce was a lot of fun and I learnt a lot from them. They were really surprised at the knowledge that i had even though it didnt even come close to scratching the surface of theirs.

We did some more tests on the sceptre where they mapped out more of its impulses as i talked to both men in their heads and managed to talk to both of them at the same time. It was exhilarating being able to do the things Loki could do.

After we were done with talking to each other they were working at their computers and I was watching the sceptre. It was quite alluring, almost like it wanted to be used. I moved my hand closer to it and it glowed a bit brighter and when I moved it away, it dimmed. It was like it was happy to have the attention.

"Its like it has feelings" i mumbled to myself

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked looking over to me

"Look, when I move my hand closer it glows. Its like its happy" and i moved my hand close to it but not touching it. "And when i move it away, it dims like its sad" and i moved my hand away and the sceptres glow dimmed down.

Bruce and Tony both typed away at their computers doccumenting this thought and how the sceptre reacted to the attention.

I touched the glowing part again and looked at Tony and images flashed in my head. It was like i was looking through the mask of the Iron Man suit.

Just then the elevator dinged and i looked towards it and Bucky walked into the lab and the first person he saw was Tony.

Then my head was filled with other images. A man and a woman were in these images. They were in a car, but the car was crashed against a tree. The images got a closer look at the two people and I recognised them. They were Tonys parents. Id seen the news articles about them. They died in a car crash on their way to the airport when Tony was younger.

The images flashed in my mind almost like an old movie. It was like a first person movie. I was getting closer to the car and looked into it to see the two dead in their seats then moved to the trunk of the car and took something out of it. Then the images stopped.

My eyes went wide at the realisation of what happened and my hand flinched away from the sceptre and I stared at Bucky and he looked at me in horror. He turned around and went back to the elevator.

"Urm, ill see you later guys" I said to Bruce and Tony and rushed off after Bucky. I had to talk to him about what I accidentally saw in his head.

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