Chapter 22

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Once we had all finished with our training we went to bathe and get ready for the Yule celebrations which included another big feast. Loki told me he had left a dress for me to change into on my bed in my room so I shuffled from the bathroom to the bedroom in my towel, trying to not get water all over the floor.

The dress he had lay our for me was a gorgeous sleeveless forrest green that fell to my feet with gold embroidery and the edges were hemmed with a black velvet looking material.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was surprised to see that it looked really good on me. I was never one to wear green really, but this dress looked stunnning. I decided to curl the ends of and pin the sides up away from my face.

Shortly after I had finished there was a knock at my door.

"Come in" i called through.

Loki entered wearing a tailored suit to match my dress. He stood still when he saw me and I saw his eyes taking in every inch of me, a blush rising to my cheeks while he did.

"You look gorgeous in my colours, little shifter" he purred and walked over to me.

"Ahh so thats what the green is about" I smirked to him. I had put two and two together and figured that it was something like that.

"Yes, so all the other men of the court know you are mine" he purred in a matter of fact way.

"Well, before we go to the feast id like to give you your Christmas present" i smiled and retrieved his present from the bedroom and gave it to him.

He had a big smile on his face as he opened them, realising the three books i had gotten him were three of the ones he had put back on the shelves in the book store a few weeks ago. "Thank you, little shifter. And here is your present"

He handed me a box with a bow on it and i took no time in opening it. Inside were a pair of daggers, a matching pair with leather bound hilts. The blades were made of a grey metal but when they shone in the light they looked blue. They were beautiful.

"Loki, theyre gorgeous!" I squealed and have him a hug

"I am glad you like them" he smiled. "But we must get to the hall or the others will wonder where we have gotten to" and he offered me his arm and escorted me to the feast.

We took our seats and waited for Odin to give his speach.

He stood from his seat and the hall went silent.

"Another glorious year is soon coming to an end and the realms are prospering, leading us into what I am sure will be another bountiful year. Happy Yule, Asgard! Enjoy the feast!" He boomed for all to hear. Everyone clapped and cheered and the feast begun.

Some how the food looked even better than the night before and I knew what nearly everything on the table infront of me was. There were at least 5 different meats, potatoes cooked in all ways that they could be, roast vegetables, all the condiments you could think of and we hadn't even gotten to the deserts yet.

After the food the middle of the great hall was cleared and tables moves to the edges of the room to make way for a ballroom floor.

Odin and Frigga, being the king amd queen, took to the floor to start off the first dance and after a few bars others joined them.

"May I have this dance?" Loki asked, bowing in front of me, golding out his hand.

"I don't know how to dance" I admitted to him.

"Its easy, I'll show you" and he took my hand and lead me to the ends of the dance floor.

"Put your left hand on my shoulder and take my hand with your right" he instructed and i placed my hands where he had told me to. "This is a simple dance, only three beats. Follow my lead"

He started to dance and lightly pulled me along with him. After a few bars I picked up on what I was meant to be doing and we waltzed around the room between all of the other waltzing couples.

The song came to an end and Loki lead me to the edge of the room.

"I did it!" I beamed, amazed that I hadn't tripped over my own feet.

"You did. Well done, my love" he grinned at how happy I was.

Thor came over and asked me for the next dance, much to Lokis annoyance, but I went and danced with Thor regardless.

He handed me back over to Loki with a smirk at the end of the dance and commended me on my 'fine footwork' and thanked me for not stepping on his feet.

Loki and I danced late into the evening and eveything just felt so perfect. It was like i was living in a fairy tail dancing in a palace with the most handsome prince im the realm. I silently thanked all the Gods and the Norns for how lucky I was.

Loki escorted me back to my room at the end of the evening and bid me goodnight at my door.

Before he turned away to his own room I plucked up the corage to ask him something.

"Loki?" I started to say, awkwardly.

"Is something the matter, little shifter?" He asked, concerned.

"I was wondering if I could come and sleep in your bed tonight?" Im not even sure the words were coherent I spluttered them out so quickly. I didn't want him getting the wrong idea though.

His face softened into a smile "Of course you can, little one"

"Let me get changed and Ill come over" i grinned and ran into my bedroom to get my pjamas on.

I snuck out of my room, not wanting to be seen wondering around in my jammies and rushed over to his door and knocked.

When he opened it he swept me off my feet and i giggled like a little school girl as he carried me into his room and tucked me into his bed, already in his own pyjamas and snuggled in next to me.

I was so tired from such an amazing day and that was the perfect way to end it, snuggled up to my Loki.

"Good night, little shifter" he whispered to me and i was already half asleep

"Nanight, Loki. I love you"

Wait...did i say that last bit out loud or was i already asleep?

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