Chapter 51

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We didn't have to go to the hellicarrier the next day to give our mission report, Fury came to us with a team of agents instead.

I met Wanda and Pietro in the lounge and told them id go down to the confrence rooms with them. So we stepped into the elevator together and went to see Fury.

I walked in first and gestured for the twins to follow when they hesitated, looking worried. "Come on, I'll be with you" I smiled and held out my hand which Wanda took.

I lead them to two of the chairs and they sat down in them after Pietro moved his closer to Wanda. I decided not to take a seat and stand behind the twins instead. They were under my protection and I was making it known that they were.

When Bucky saw that I wasnt going to be taking a seat, he smiled at me. He was proud of me for looking after the new recruits.

When we were all in the conference room Fury spoke up. "Good morning everyone. So, lets have that report"

Cap went trough the mission report for us as he usually did, it saved people talking over each other or missing parts out. When Cap had finished Fury turned to Wanda, Pietro and me. "So, you've been promoted from 'fresh meat'" he nodded to me with a smirk which i returned. He was slowly growing on me. "What are your names, kids?"

"I am Pietro Maximoff and this is my twin sister Wanda Maximoff" Pietro answered the one eyed man hesitantly. 

"Alright, what are your abilities?" Fury asked

"I have telekinetic abilities, some mind magic and can manipulate energy" Wanda answered

"I have super human speed" Pietro answered after Wanda finished speaking

"And are you happy to be joining the Avengers?" Fury asked and they both nodded. "Alright then, I will leave you lot to whatever you normally get up to" and Fury stood up and left the room with the team of agents that he had accompanying him.

"Wasn't so bad, was it?" I asked the twins with a smile.

"No, not bad" Pietro answered as everyone started to stand from their chairs and make their way out of the room and back up to the lounge

I saw that Tony and Bruce had gone down to the labs to work on the sceptre and it made me think to the other night when I saw those images in Bucky's head. I decided that I had to go and talk to him again about it because it wasn't fair that Tony didn't know the true nature of his parents deaths but it wasn't my story to tell.

I went up to Bucky's room where I had hoped he would be but he wasn't there so i went back down to the lounge to see if i had missed him and he wasn't there either.

"JARVIS, do you know where Bucky is?" I asked the AI

"He is in the training rooms with Captain Roggers" JARVIS answered me

"Alright, thanks JARVIS" I thanked it and thought about what I was actually going to say to Bucky when I got him alone. 

I sat on the sofa in the lounge and flipped the TV on and was looking for something to watch when Wanda and Pietro walked in and came to sit with me and we argued over what to watch like we were a bunch of rowdy teenagers, which was funny but we eventually settled on a new superhero movie that none of us had seen yet.

When i saw Bucky walk into the lounge from the elevator with Cap I went up to him and put a hand on his arm to stop him. "Can you come to my room? We need to talk about something" I said quietly, not wanting to draw any attention to us. Bucky nodded his response and followed me back into the elevator and went up to my floor.

Once we were closed behind my door where no one would hear our conversation, i gestured to my sofa for us to sit down. When we were sat down I turned to him and said "We need to talk about Tony's parents deaths"

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