Chapter 32

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I woke up back in my cell in wolf form, my head in the soldiers lap and my head snapped up looking around confused as hell.

What the hell happened?! I thought. Ive never shifted form while not being awake before. I didnt think it was even possible to do.

"Shh, little volk" he said calmly, stroking my head. "You're okay"

I looked up at him and he gave me a small smile. I looked down at myself and then back at him, trying to get him to understand that I was asking what had happened.

"Im can't say what happend in the lab, little volk, Im sorry" he said earnestly. I noted to myself that he said 'cant' rather than he wasn't allowed. Was something stopping him from telling me? "You should have something to eat. Its late into the evening" he said as he moved my bowl infront of me and I was suddenly aware how hungry and thirsty I was. I ate all the food in the bowl and drank most of the water

"You should get some rest" he said, not moving from the spot next to me. I lay my head back down in his lap and did as he said. Even though he was seeming to be nice to me, I didnt want him to be angry with me. So I let myself fall back into sleep.


I was taken back to the same lab the next day and the same thing happened as it did the day before.

And the next day.

And the day after that.

The day came where I was taken to the lab but the chair was pushed to the side of the room and there were some of the training mats on the floor. I looked at them in confusion as my magic was given back to me and I shifted to human form.

"Stand in the middle" Schneider instructed, so I did. Then something strange happened. "Nineteen. Wolf. Blue..." he started saying but by the third word my eyes were getting hazy and it was like someone had put sound cancelling headphones over my ears and then there was nothing.

The next thing I knew I was back in my cell, awake, in wolf form.

I jerked up to sitting and was looking around frantically, confused to all hell, noticing an ache in my ribs.

How did I get here? How am I in wolf form?

"Little volk! Hey! Hey! Youre okay!" The soldier said soothingly, trying to calm me down.

I was scared and confused and I had no idea what had been happening to me and where my time had gone, because thats what it felt like. I was missing time!

I whined at him and tears were forming in my eyes and I tried to hold them back but I couldnt and they fell down my face.

The soldier pulled me to him and hugged me, which made me cry and whimper more. I ended up crying myself to sleep with the soldier cradling my head and cooing to me.


I wasn't woken up the next day by the soldier or another agent. I woke up of my own accord, which was strange. I had never woken up of my own accord since being there.

The soldier was still there with me, asleep with his back and head against the wall behind him and his hand still on my head as I had fell asleep the night before.

He can't be comfortable like that

I moved my head from under his hand as gently as I could and stood up out of my bed and leant him over into it. He was the only one who was nice to me and he had kept me company countless nights, sleeping sat up on the hard cell floor. He deserved to be a bit more comfortable.

I lay back down next to him on the floor and decided to try and get some more sleep but as I lay down, the soldier stirred and woke up, looking confused at the situation.

He took in me lying on the floor and him in my bed and he smiled

"After all the pain and suffering you've had here, you wanted me to be comfortable" he muttered to himself in awe but stood up and walked over to the cell door. "Come on, I have a surprise for you" he said

A surprise?

I stood up and followed him out but we turned right out of the cell instead of left. I had never been down to the right side before.

We came to the end of the hallway and went through the door into another hallway and went into a room on the right.

He had bought me to a tiled floor room and lead me to the opposite end where there was a shower! My tail wagged ferociously and I padded at the floor with my front paws. I couldn't hold in my excitement at finally being clean again.

The soldier chuckled at me and said "They're giving you a day off today and said I could give you a wash" and he turned the shower on and I sat down underneath the hot water. It felt so good patting down on my fur.

He made sure all of the grime from the past weeks was out of my fur and brushed my coat and dried me off with a towel. I felt better than I had in what felt like a very very long time and I licked his face in thanks and put my head over his shoulder in a hug to say my thanks.

"You're welcome, little volka" he said and hugged me back before we went back to the cell.

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