Chapter 60

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Some time later i looked over to my phone to check the time. It was 10 in the evening. I had spent most the afternoon and evening in my room reading and I suddenly thought of Loki again.

I got up and grabed a light jumper and pulled it on and walked down the hallway and down to the lounge. No one was there so I walked silently over to the door outside and stepped out and looked up at the stars, wondering what my love was doing that was so important on Asgard. What was taking him so long to come back to me.

"Heimdall, if you're listening, can you tell Loki I miss him and love him" I said shakily, trying not to cry at the loneliness I felt deep inside me. It was a long shot and I felt sliggtly silly talking to the sky but if Heimdall was listening I knew he would tell Loki. Hopefully Loki asked about me

I heard a noise come from inside and I whirled around to see who it was. Bucky was standing at the door looking at me with sadness on his face and I tried to give him a weak smile.

He came over to me silently and opened his arms to give me a hug which i leaned into and tears welled up in my eyes.

"You really love him, dont you?" He said quietly into my hair.

"I do" I admitted, choking back tears. "And i miss him so much" I added in a sob and broke down crying again. I seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

"And he loves you. Whatever is taking so long must be important to be away from you for so long" he said as he stroked my hair.

Suddenly the light of the Bifrost lit up infront of us and my head whipped around to stare at it.

Was this is? Was my Loki coming home to me? I was too scared to let go of Bucky but my eyes were glued to the place where the Bifrost met the launch pad.

When the light faded away I saw Thor standing there alone. Loki wasnt with him

I ran over to Thor and jumped on him, hugging him

"Thor! I missed you!" I all but shrieked at his and planted a kiss on his cheek

"I missed you too, little sister" He smiled but there was sadness in his voice

"Where's Loki? Why didn't he come home with you?" I asked, worried as i pulled away from him to look at him and Bucky came over and put a protective arm around me.

"Maybe we should go inside and sit down?" Thor purposefully ignored my question and gestured to the door inside

I felt my face get warm as a small anger rose in me for not answering my question. "Thor, where is he?" I demanded. "Im not moving until you tell me" and my hands started to glow blue with my magic building up

Thor sighed heavily. "He is in the hospital wing at the palace. He isn't doing well"

"And you left him there?!" I was astonished he would leave his brother when he was injured. And outraged as i felt the power flowing through me, building up to a dangerous level

"I was no longer needed back home and wanted to see you and let you know what was happening" Thor tried to reason with me which just made me angrier

"But you LEFT HIM! You promised you'd look after him!" I screamed and stomped off to where the Bifrost site was and looked up at the sky. "Heimdall! Open the bifrost! Please!" I shouted to the sky. I had no idea if Heimdall would listen to me but I wasnt going to stand there and do nothing when Loki was injured and badly by the sound of it

"Only Asgardians can open-" Thor started to say but was interrupted by the light of the bifrost and the look of shock on his face would have made me laugh if i wasnt so mad at him

Before i was swept away Thor ran over to me and we both were sucked up into the sky and were on our way to Asgard

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