Chapter 26

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The residents quaters were simple single rooms with a bed, a bathroom and a TV so I assumed people didnt spend all that much time there. There was a lounge area with a kitchen that was stocked with some basic foods. I guessed that those who lived on the hellicarrier had a separate area where they lived.

Cap told us that nothing much would go on in the way of assessment today and that they would start tomorrow so Loki and I went to have a look around the rest of the floating fortress.

We came across the cage that they had built to house the Hulk if he ever made appearance on board. It was a surreal experience seeing it for myself, knowing that the floor of that cage would fall through if the worst happened and Brice couldn't get the Hulk under control. Not that the fall would do anything to harm the Hulk.

We found Bruce and Tony in the labs on board. Aparently they were helping work on some tech that SHIELD had confiscated from Hydra on various missions. I kept out of their way but watched them work on the terrifying looking tech.

"What does it do?" I asked Bruce, pointing at the strange pen shaped item they were taking apart.

"So far we think it is linked to a series of shock collars they use on their test subjects" Bruce replied, giving the item a dirty look

I blanched at the idea that they used such torture devices. Id have to look into what SHIELD had learnt about Hydra so far. They didn't sound like the most pleasant group. I knew first hand they weren't after being shot on my first mission, but torture was inhumane.

"Lets leave the scientists to their work" Loki said, putting an arm around me when he saw my reaction to the device and lead me out of the labs.

We came across a small library and had a look at the types of bookes it homed. It wasn't surprising to see a bunch of them were crime fiction, which made me laugh a little. The idea that the great shield were reading crime fiction. Nothing much really interested Loki and I so we went and wondered around some more.

A voice came over the tannoy that dinner was being served in the canteen. The next mission was to locate said canteen. We hadn't seen it yet through our wondering around.

We ended up following the general flow of the workers which lead us to our destination.

The canteen was serving various foods and it reminded me of a school canteen. I chose a simple baked potato with cheese and beans and chocolate cake for desert. Loki was still getting used Midgardian foods so he just ordered the same as me but was delighted to see the chocolate cake and cheekily asked if he could have two servings of it, which the dinner servers allowed.

We found an unoccupied table and took our seats there.

"So, you ever had a personality test before?" I asked Loki, just making conversation.

"No, but it will be amusing to find out what it says about me" he replied with a mischievous grin.

"Just try not let them think you're too much of a psychopath" I teased him.

"I make no promises" he chuckled.

"Brother! There you are!" Thors boomed from across the room as he walked towards us.

Loki goraned at heaing his brother making a scene.

"Hey Thor!" I greeted him with a smile as he sat next to me.

"Lady Liz" he smiled. "Where have you two been this afternoon?"

"We just had a wonder around the hellicarrier. Its massive!" I beamed.

"It is indeed. The Avengers are taking part in something called 'poker' with the SHIELD people after dinner if you would like to come" he said then turned to Loki. "You would like it, brother. From what I understand its is about deception and lies."

I laughed at his way of describing it and explained the rules of poker to Loki.

"Most interesting" he said with a look in his eye that looked almost dangerous "I would like to participate in this endeavour" he agreed.

"I think you'll do really well" I agreed with Thors earlier statement.

After we finished our dinner, Thor lead us to where the tournament would be taking place. It looked like we were the last to arrive as all the team and numerous SHIELD agents were already there.

We found an empty place at the table and I teamed up with Loki and we chipped in.

The evening was really fun and just as funny as Loki was sweeping the money off the table, much to everyone elses displeasure.

"Alright, Reindeer Games, you win!" Tony growled and threw his cards on the table in defeat and everyone else grumbled their agreement and folded, ending their missery.

Lokis face was a picture of pure joy, taking in his winnings and splitting it between the two of us and we all retired to our rooms for the night.

The God and the ShifterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant