Chapter 56

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"Liz, why didn't tell me you were back?" Tony asked as he walked from the elevator

"Didnt know I had to?" I replied sarcastically and turning back to the TV

"Did you find Onesie Guy?" He asked, annoyed that I hadn't said anything about Peter yet

"Nope, didn't see him today. Maybe he works? I dunno" I shrugged, not knowing how long I could keep Peter off Tonys radar

He stood in place and looked like he was thinking. "Try again on the weekend" was all he said before turning and going back to the elevator

"Yes, sir!" I mocked and saluted the air in front of me and I heard him scoff as the elevator doors closed, which made me laugh.

As I turned my attention back to the TV my mind went to Loki again. Gods I missed him so much and he had only been gone a few days. But I wasnt going to sit around and moap about it, I wasn't Bella Swan.


The rest of the week days I spent helping Tony and Bruce in the labs with the Hydra weapons but we weren't much closer to figuring out how the sceptre worked. All we knew was it was powerful and not of Earth. I told Tony and Bruce I would ask Loki about it when he and Thor returned.

When the weekend rolled around I went out to 'find out more' about Peter for Tony as I said I would and flew straight to his house.

When I arrived on his windowsill I didnt tap on it as I saw he had Ned over and didnt want to out him so I just stood there and observed for a while.

It didnt take long for Peter to notice I was there and when he did his eyes went wide for a second but Ned didn't see it. I didnt want to interrupt them so I flew off and landed on the roof of the building opposite his window where he couldn't see me.

I knew I couldn't go back empty handed this time so I stayed there until I saw Ned leave the house later in the day.

Peter came over to his window shortly after Ned had left and opened it and stuck his head out and looked around. When he spotted me on the roof opposite him he smiled and called out to me. "Liz, you can come in"

I flew down into his room and shifted to my human form. "Good afternoon, Peter" i smiled to him and plonked my butt down on his bed

"Hey, you been out there all day?" He asked as he came and sat at the other end of the bed

"A couple of hours. I can't go back empty handed this time and didnt want to tell Tony anything you didn't know about so I waited" I explained to him

"Fair enough" Peter replied with a sigh, knowing this day was coming.

"Im going to tell him everything because even if I just tell him your name he will find it out eventually anyway" I reasoned with him

He looked worriedly at me and asked "What will he do?"

"I doubt he will do anything to be honest. He will want to meet you eventually but its not like he is going to pull you out of school or tell anyone" I reassured him with a smile which seemed to ease his worry.

"Okay, that's fair enough" He nodded

"By the way heres my number" I said as i grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from his desk amd wrote my number down for him. "If you need anything, let me know" and he took the paper and put my number in his phone and text me so I had his number too. "Im going to go back now and talk to Tony"

I stood up and shifted into the blue jay and tweeted my goodbye to Peter. "See you later, Liz" he smiled and I took off and headded back home.

I landed on the launch pad next to the quin jet and shifted back to human form and walked into the lounge where Bucky, Cap, Pietro and Wanda were sat chatting and watching TV

"Hi Liz, where've you been today?" Bucky asked when I walked in

"Ive been on a spy mission" I grinned happy with myself for being useful

"On your own?" Cap demanded. He didnt like the idea of me being off on my own. He is still such team mom

"I was only checking out another super in the city, nothing dangerous dont worry" I replied as i made my way to the elevator and stepped in, heading down to Tonys usual dwelling of the labs

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