Chapter 23

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I woke the next morning to Loki curled around me from behind, snuggled into his chest and I took a minute to appreciate how comfortable and safe I felt in his arms.

That moment was cut short, however, by Thor all but banging down the door and rushing in.

"Loki! Have you seen Lady Liz?! She is not in her room!" He boomed through the room with slight panic in his voice but came to a halt when he got to the doorway to the bedroom.

I just looked over to him grinning "Good morning, Thor. Do you have to be so loud?"

"Go away, Thor!" Loki groaned from behind me and threw a dagger at his brother, which Thor moved out of the way of like it was the usual thing he had to do when waking Loki up.

"My apologies, Lady Liz. I was worried when you were not in your room" Thor replied, suddenly very interested at something at his feet. "But we must be going back to Midgard soon"

"Already?" I asked as i went to sit up but Loki pulled me back down, hugging me to his chest.

"Well time works differently on Asgard than it does on Midgard. Although we have only been gone a few days here, it has already been a week back home" Thor explained.

"We get it, Thor. Now go awayy" Loki sighed and Thor just grinned and left us alone.

"Come on sleepy head, we better get ready" I said to Loki, squeezing his arm telling to let me go.

"Do we have to?" He whined

"Yes, our friends back home will worry if we dont return" I laughed as he allowed me to get out of his bed and i scurried off to my room to get changed into my Midgard clothes.

When we were all ready to head home, we stopped by to say goodbye to Frigga and she told me I was always welcome to come back, which made me smile and I thanked her for being so kind to me.

When we reached the stables I shifted into my horse form again and whinnied to Thor and Loki, stomping my front right hoof on the floor and we took off out of the city and down the rainbow bridge.

When we got back home there was a surprise waiting for us which none of us were expecting.

"Friends, we have returned!" I boomed mocking Thor when we walked into the lounge before he had the chance to say it and we all laughed at my antics.

"Reindeer Games!" Tony called from the kitchen.

"Yes?" Loki replied, looking confused. Tony avoided talking to Loki as much as he could and vice versa, so being the first person he speaks to when we got home was strange.

"We have a late christmas present for you" he informed Loki.

"For me?" Loki asked, unsure what to make of this announcement.

"Yeh. You have now been officially cleared of all crimes against you" Tony grinned at the shock on Loki, Thor and my own faces.

"Really?! You did this?!" I asked excitedly

"Well, the whole team had a part in it as we all had to report to Fury that he is 'reformed'. But this doesn't mean I like you." Tony started to explain but before he could finish I ran up to him and threw my arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you so much!" I said as he eased and patted my back. Despite hating physical contact, he had a soft spot for the baby of the team.

"Yes, thank you everyone" Loki smiled, still in disbelief of the news we had received.

"You'll also be joining us on missions now too" Cap added and Loki nodded his acknowledgement to him.

"Well, I'm going to go and unpack my things guys, I'll be back down in a minute" I smiled to the group and went to sort out my things in my room.

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