Chapter 40

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Towards the end of the conversation we were talking about the brain washing and the words that were used to turn me into a soldier. Bucky knew them as he had been told them for the mission we had gone on so he wrote them down on a piece of paper for the team to look over then he added a second set of words.

"What are those ones?" Cap asked

Bucky stiffened slightly and his face looked haunted. "Those are my command words" he said

"They did it to you too?" I asked sadly putting a hand on his arm in comfort.

"Yes. They trained me as an assassin and Ive done horrible things in the past" he said stiffly. "After so long I built up the immunity to forgetting what happened while I was in their control. Where as you dont remember what has happened when yours have been said, I do"

"Oh Bucky" Cap sighed and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Whats this about by the way?" I asked Cap, pointing to his hand on Buckys shoulder with a grin. "You know each other dont you?"

Cap blushed slightly. "Yes. Bucky is my oldest and best friend since we were children" and Bucky smiled at that, looking like he was remembering the good times they have had.

"So you're an old man too" I smirked at Bucky and puched his shoulder lightly

He laughed and replied "I guess I am"

"At least one good thing came out of my being kidnapped" I smiled, seeing the good that has come out of it and the team looked looked at me in a mix of shock and confusion. "If i hadn't been kidnapped, who knows when or even if Bucky and Cap would have been reunited" I explained

"After all the pain and suffering you've gone through, you still find the light in the situation" Bucky smiled in awe at me

"You're a strange one" Cap teased me.

I chuckled and replied with a shrug "Well if you dont smile and laugh about it, you just cry. And im an ugly cryer so id rather smile"

"You never cease to amaze me, little shifter" Loki mused and kissed my head.

"Lady Liz is a fierce warrior after all" Thor boomed with a huge smile on his face.

"So, about the whole brain washing, do any of you think theres a way of reversing it?" I asked the team

"I may be able to help" Loki said and the whole room turned to look at him. "I may be able to use my magic to go into your mind and find the words hidden amongst there and sever their link to how they make you obedient"

"Ugh, more mind games" Clint grumbled. Depsite the fact that Loki was under mimd control of his own, Clint still hadn't forgiven Loki for putting himself under his control.

"Really? You think it'd work?" Bucky asked with hope in his eyes.

"I cannot say for certian until I look into your minds but it should work" Loki replied.

"Do it. Anything, just get rid of it. If we are up against any of Hydra again and they know the words, they can turn us against you in a second. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if i hurt any of you" I said with determination. I was barely able to handle that I had already killed two innocent people. If I hurt or killed any of my family, it would kill me.

Loki nodded his understanding but said "You need to regain some of your strength first, my love"

"You can start with Bucky then. I was going to say to start with Bucky anyway" I shrugged. I could wait. Bucky had been suffering with this for much longer than I had, I could wait a bit longer.

"Then we will begin tomorrow if you are up for it, Barnes" Loki said to Bucky to which he nodded his agreement.

"Good stuff! So, shall we order pizza? Tony's buying" I said with a smug face

"Yeh yeh, im always buying" Tony said drily and rolled his eyes, but he smiled after

So we all ordered pizza and put on a movie and spent our night as a whole family. At home. And I felt like the luckiest person in the whole universe to be able to say that this dysfunctional bunch were my family and I was back with them.

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